Don't Need A House-Gift 1 (Logic x Anxiety x Morality x Prince)

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Platonic LAMP/PolySanders, Hogwarts AU. This is one of the Christmas gifts for my friend, Winchester_At_Heart

Virgil hated his Hogwarts house.

It wasn't for the reason most might hate Slytherin. He didn't think that they were evil, although he knew some who may fit that stereotype. He hated it simply because he didn't fit into it.

He had never voiced his opinions on his house with anyone before. That was, until he had met his Hufflepuff friend, Patton. Patton had also been the one to introduce him to his other two friends, Logan, the Ravenclaw, and Roman, the Gryffindor. It was when he had off-handedly mentioned how he felt as though he didn't fit in anywhere that the conversation began.

"What do you mean you don't fit in?" Patton asked, a frown tugging at his lips. It was unusual to see the Hufflepuff frowning, but he cared for all of his friends so much that if they felt bad in any way, he felt bad too.

"Nothing." Virgil said a little too quickly, and the other three shared a glance. "Really, forget I mentioned it. It's nothing."

"Clearly it's not nothing! If something or someone is bothering you, tell us and we shall destroy it!" The Gryffindor exclaimed, not noticing as both Logan and Virgil rolled their eyes.

"Yes, even though Roman is being overly dramatic, we truly are here for you if you ever need us, Virgil." Logan offered his friend the tiniest of smiles, lasting only a second before returning to his normal expression. Virgil sighed as the three of them looked expectantly at him, and shrugged.

"I guess I just... don't like my house." He muttered, the three of them barely catching it.

"Why don't you like being in Slytherin?" Patton questioned, trying to better understand what was causing Virgil to feel bad.

"Like I said, I don't... fit in. I don't feel like I belong." He explained, frowning and making himself appear smaller.

"What do you mean you don't fit in? Of corse you do! The Sorting Hat couldn't be wrong... right?" Roman wondered, looking between the three.

"Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. Why should the Sorting Hat be any different?" Logan answered him, although he looked as though he weren't entirely sure about what he was saying. "Why don't you think you belong in that house?"

"Well... Slytherins are ambitious, cunning, strong leaders. Does that sound like me at all?" He asked, and the other three shared a glance, frowning. "Exactly."

"Well, what house do you feel like you would fit in better?" Patton wondered, and Virgil just shrugged.

"None of them. I've thought about all this before... probably too much. Can we just... drop it? It's not a big deal. I've never fit in." He muttered, and although the others wanted to disagree with him, to tell him it did matter and that he mattered, they all needed to get to their next classes.

The topic didn't come up again, and Virgil was glad that they hadn't made it a bigger deal than it was. He had to admit, knowing that he wasn't really a part of a house like all of his friends were did make him feel horrible. He wished he had a group of people just like him, but he was just Virgil.

One day, the four students were walking together down the halls and talking when Patton suddenly stopped with a gasp. "Oh, right! Virgil, I made something for you."

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