Kisses (Morality x Anxiety)

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Requested. I think I'm working on like, 3-4 requests right now??? So if you've left a request for me through messages or comments I am working on it, it's just taking a little bit bc I literally got home from Florida yesterday so...... been busy, and probably going to continue being busy bc life just fucking sucks rn. Please don't leave me any more requests until I complete all of the ones that I currently have and say that I can take more. Thank you to everyone who did leave requests for being so kind and patient, I truly appreciate it. I don't think I could handle the stress of someone wanting a request done immediately, so thanks.

It had been around two months since the day that Patton had sat down with Virgil, confessing the feelings he had for him that Virgil happened to return. That day was the happiest of Virgil's life; the person he had been in love with for so long felt the same about him! It was exciting, and almost unbelievable.

The following two months continued to be amazing for the anxious side. He was nervous about being in a relationship for the first time, but with Patton he didn't have to worry about anything. His boyfriend was constantly being sure that everything they were doing was okay, and that Virgil felt happy and comfortable. He made sure that they were never moving too fast and overwhelming him, and Virgil appreciated it a lot. However, there was one small thing that came from Patton worrying about moving too quickly.

Since the pair had gotten together they never truly shared their first kiss. Virgil was very happy with just the occasional cheek kisses, or the small kisses to the back of his hand or the top of his head when the two were cuddling. He loved simply being near his boyfriend, but that didn't mean he didn't want to kiss him finally. Because Patton was worried about moving too quickly, though, that meant he didn't really do anything unless Virgil told him he was comfortable with it. Which was still kind of him, but Virgil was never good at speaking up about what he wanted. It was difficult to finally bring it up with him.

Virgil couldn't seem to get it off of his mind. So, he finally decided to go search for his boyfriend and attempt to have a conversation about it. It didn't take long to find him, sitting on the couch in the living room and watching some animated movie. Virgil didn't pay much attention to it, focusing instead on what he was going to say.

"Hey, Virge." Patton turned and smiled at his boyfriend as he saw him walk in. He patted the spot next to him, Virgil making his way over wordlessly and sitting beside of him. Patton almost immediately wrapped his arms around him, noticing the distracted look on him face and frowning. "Everything alright, hon?"

Virgil still said nothing, looking over at Patton. He tried to find words to say what he wanted, desperately searching for something to say and coming up with nothing. He frowned, internally panicking as he debated what to do next. A thought struck, and as nervous as it made him it sounded so much easier than talking. So, without thinking too much into it any more Virgil just followed his thoughts, taking a deep breath.

He leaned in close to Patton suddenly, lips just barely brushing against Patton's. His face burned, hands shaking in his lap as his nervousness got to him. He didn't move any more, waiting for Patton to pull away or do something. Patton was caught completely off guard by Virgil, hesitating briefly due to his confusion. However as soon as his mind caught up with what was happening he smiled slightly, arms around Virgil's shoulders tugging him in closer and pressing his lips more firmly against his boyfriend's. Virgil sighed in relief, his own still shaking hands moving to lightly touch Patton's waist.

The kiss was soft and sweet, and the pair drew it out for as long as they could. When they pulled away breathlessly they stayed close, foreheads pressed gently together. Patton opened his eyes to smile at Virgil, who returned his sweet and loving grin with a nervous, wobbly smile of his own. Virgil held him more comfortably now, sitting closer to each other than they had been before the kiss.

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