(Anxiety x Logic)

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It was early in the morning when Logan left his room, around four or five. He was just going to get a drink and then head back to bed, and he wasn't expecting to find anyone else up. It actually took him a moment to realize he wasn't alone when he stepped into the living room. It wasn't until he nearly stepped on someone that he noticed them there at all.

"Virgil..?" Logan questioned, taking a step away from the body that was lying right beside of the couch. "Are you... alright?"

A muffled groan was the only response he received, and he assumed it meant no. With a sigh, Logan stepped around him and made his way into the kitchen. He returned a moment later with a glass of water, sitting on the couch next to Virgil silently. It stayed quiet in the room for a few minutes, Logan slowly emptying his glass and wondering what was wrong with the anxious side.

When he finally set his glass of water to the side Logan looked back down at Virgil and frowned. "Are you going to tell me what is wrong?"

Virgil turned his head just the slightest bit so it wouldn't be muffled by the carpet. His voice was still quiet when he spoke, sounding tired and grumpy. "Life is pointless, my existence is meaningless, and I just want to get a full night of sleep for once."

Logan hummed in understanding, nodding his head and thinking for a moment. "Well, the first thing you should do would probably be to get off of the floor. Come here." He gestured to the spot next to him on the couch, and Virgil sighed. He reluctantly pushed himself up off of the floor, sitting down next to Logan and crossing his arms irritably. He let out a startled yelp when Logan pulled him to lay in his lap, glaring up at him for a moment before shifting to get comfortable.

"Is this position not more comfortable than the floor?" Logan questioned, and Virgil didn't answer. He averted his eyes, glare fading as he sighed and shrugged. "Now, close your eyes and relax."

Virgil rolled his eyes at him, but did as he said anyways. He jumped when fingers unexpectedly began running through his hair gently, but soon relaxed again and leaned into the touch. Logan let the smallest of smiles grow on his lips, only because Virgil's eyes were closed so he wouldn't notice, and if no one saw it, it didn't happen.

It took a long time, but eventually Virgil did finally fall asleep. Logan's tiny smile grew, and he stopped running his fingers through Virgil's hair. He leaned down to place a kiss gently on Virgil's forehead, sitting back up and leaning against the back of the couch with a sigh. After Virgil had fallen asleep it wasn't long before Logan drifted off as well, both of them relaxed and happy in the presence of the other.

Honestly I stared at the stupid blue blinking line for like ten minutes before I could finally find the words to begin this, so sorry if it's awful. The words just don't want to work today. My brain doesn't want to work actually. I had the idea and I wanted to get something done today, even if it's not much, but my brain just keeps insisting that no, you're going to be sad all day and sit in bed and not do anything, bc life is pointless and i don't deserve happiness and-moving on

Honestly though. Life is pointless, my existence is meaningless, and I wish I could go back to sleep. I've been up since 4. I'm tired of lying here and crying, and I don't want to get up either so why can't I just sleep?

Okay okay I'll stop complaining now, I actually do have at least one thing to be excited for. I'm getting new fish soon..! That might not sound exciting but I've been trying to save my money for a while to get some glofish, and I just bought everything to set up the tank last night. It looks awesome, and I'm finally gonna get my fish hopefully today. So, when I actually get them and everything's completely set up, I'll post pictures of what the tank looks like? If anyone's interested in seeing it. I think glofish are really cool, but everyone else thinks I'm crazy for being excited over fish. Oh well.

Anyways, I might as well get out of bed now since I'm not getting anymore sleep. Thanks for reading, hope this was okay. *

* Thanks for the suggestion! I am also proud of all of you for being alive, you definitely deserve a ring pop

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* Thanks for the suggestion! I am also proud of all of you for being alive, you definitely deserve a ring pop. Take care of yourselves. I love you guys. Bye-Bob

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