No Longer Alone (Morality x Anxiety)

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Warning: a lot of death and a funeral (don't worry this isn't a super sad oneshot I swear-)

I literally started this oneshot back when I was in Florida months ago, I'm so unmotivated rn oh my god-

Virgil watched the cars pulling in to the driveway, standing up and making his way over to the building to see what was going on. He watched a few people getting out, going around to the back of one of the cars and carrying something out. He frowned, realizing what was going on almost immediately.

Virgil waited for a while, finally seeing another person show up. He squinted, trying to get a better look at them from where he was. It was a man, and he was wearing a blue shirt, but that was all he could make out. He watched him talk to the other people there, going from one person to the next. Virgil knew they would just ignore him though. They couldn't hear or see him like he could.

He continued to watch from afar, even as everyone went inside. More cars had filled the driveway by then. It took a while before Virgil finally saw the man in the blue shirt again. This time, instead of talking to anyone, he simply followed them closer to where Virgil had been waiting for them.

Only when they began to lower the casket into the ground did Virgil finally step up. He saw the man look at him out of the corner of his eye, and turned to face him. The man seemed startled, opening his mouth to speak and then closing it again.

"I... can you see me?" He wondered, and Virgil nodded.

"I can. I'm guessing you've already figured out what's going on?" He asked, gesturing to the casket. The man stayed quiet for a moment, looking over at it and frowning. Virgil could tell he was fighting back tears, and felt bad for him. He should probably be used to this by now, but he wasn't.

"Yeah," the man choked out, squeezing his eyes shut to keep the tears from escaping. "I... I don't understand how you can see me though. No one else can. Who are you?"

"My name is Virgil." He answered, knowing that didn't answer any questions he had. He glanced at the headstone above the grave his casket had been lowered into. "And yours is Patton?"

"Yeah," he nodded, looking back over at the grave as well. This time he couldn't stop himself from letting a few tears fall. "So I'm... I'm dead... and you're the only one here who can see me. What's going on? How did this happen?"

"You don't remember?" Virgil frowned.

"No-I... I remember that, unfortunately. I meant... I'm kind of like a ghost now, right? Or what?" Patton looked at Virgil, hoping he would answer his questions.

"Yeah. You're a ghost." Virgil nodded.

"So... we're in a cemetery," Patton glanced around. "But I don't see any other ghosts here. Why?"

"They moved on. Y'know like... went to the afterlife. People don't just stay as ghosts forever."

"Oh. Then why are you here?" Patton wondered, and Virgil winced.

"Well, I..." he paused, sighing. "I sort of help new people cross over."

"So, sort of like the grim reaper or something?" Patton asked, and Virgil shook his head.

"Not exactly..." he mumbled. "I was just like you, actually. I died, then got buried here."

Patton frowned again. He looked around, wondering what grave might belong to Virgil. "Why are you still here?"

"I was the first." He answered, not looking at Patton while he talked. "The first person buried in a graveyard is supposed to help other spirits move on, and protect them from evil spirits. That's me."

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