(Morality x Anxiety)

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Finally changed my name..! Do you guys like it? I fucking love it. Also, will work on requests soon but it's 5AM, I'm tired and just wanted some fluff so have this romantic moxiety which I'm currently obsessed with

Patton was humming softly to himself in the kitchen, first one awake as usual. He was making breakfast for everyone, as he did every morning. No one usually came down until he called for them, which was why it was certainly a surprise when he felt arms winding their way around his waist, and soft strands of hair tickling the skin on the back of his neck.

With a shocked gasp, Patton glanced at the hands around his waist, eyes landing on the hoodie his boyfriend never took off. He let out a relieved chuckle, gently setting down the items in his hand to put his hands over Virgil's. "You scared me!"

"Sorry," Virgil mumbled sleepily, lifting his head the slightest bit to place a lazy kiss to the back of Patton's head. Patton giggled again, letting Virgil lean against him as he continued to cook breakfast.

A few minutes passed, and Patton realized he needed to move to get something. Turning slightly to see Virgil, who's head had now moved to rest on his shoulder, he smiled warmly and quietly asked, "Virgil, sweetheart, I need to move. Why don't you go sit down at the table, I'll bring you your food once I'm done?"

Virgil groaned tiredly, shaking his head and tightening his hold on Patton. "Why do you need to move?"

Patton told him what he needed to get and Virgil wordlessly moved to grab it for him. Once he had retrieved the item he moved back to his spot behind Patton, hugging him while Patton laughed and went back to cooking again. Soon enough, Patton had finished breakfast and needed Virgil to let go of him so he could go let the others know. Knowing this would be a difficult task Patton sighed, smiling still as he turned in Virgil's arms to face him.

"Virge, I love you so much," he mumbled, leaning forward and peppering small, sweet kisses all over the sleepy sides face, grinning as the other fought to hide a tired smile. "You're the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I promise we can cuddle on the couch for as long as you want to after breakfast. But right now, I have to go wake up Logan and Roman so we can all eat, okay?"

Virgil's hint of a smile was replaced quickly with a frown, sighing and reluctantly nodding. He let go of Patton finally, but not before leaving a long and sweet kiss to his lips. "Love you too," He muttered back, heading over to the table to wait for Patton.

Even if he tried Patton couldn't even pretend to be annoyed at the fact that Virgil may have been rushing him slightly, wanting him to finish so the two of them could spend more time together. Instead he laughed and listened when Virgil quietly mumbled for him to hurry up, already leaning his head on Patton's shoulder. When he finally did get finished, Virgil offering to take his plate to the sink so it could be washed later, Patton was incredibly happy to curl up on the couch with Virgil, holding him close and mumbling sweet words to each other.

I really dunno why I'm awake

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I really dunno why I'm awake. I was asleep for a while, but I woke up a bit ago and haven't been able to fall back asleep, which is annoying. So, if this continues, may update Robot tonight. I've decided to finish that one before I continue working on Tally Marks, cause otherwise... I'll never get anything done haha

Speaking of Robot, for those of you who read it, I have a question. Do you think it'd be cool to do a Q&A kinda thing with it? Like, you'd get to ask all the characters different questions and stuff? People do that, right? I wanna do it, but I'm not sure. I don't wanna do it if I'll only get like, two people asking questions, so please let me know if you would leave questions on it.

And if you haven't read Robot, please consider doing so if you like analogical! I'm very proud of this book, and I'm excited to finish it. Obviously no one has to, I just really really love that book personally.

And now, before I let myself start thinking too much and making myself sad I'm gonna get off here and work on Robot for a bit. Ineedahugtbh

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this. *Wendy's Twitter roasts you and your phone blows up into ring pops that you and the sides happily enjoy*

 *Wendy's Twitter roasts you and your phone blows up into ring pops that you and the sides happily enjoy*

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I love that one haha. Take care of yourselves. I love you guys, you all mean a lot to me. Bye!-Bob

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