Virgil Cosplay

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Yo I was doing my makeup this morning and wearing my Virgil shirt and hoodie so I thought maybe I should cosplay Virgil today so here have some pictures cause why not

Yo I was doing my makeup this morning and wearing my Virgil shirt and hoodie so I thought maybe I should cosplay Virgil today so here have some pictures cause why not

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lmao okay that's all I had to post here

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lmao okay that's all I had to post here

Sorry for uploading this right after the last note. I'd say I'll get a oneshot some soon but uh, I'm going to Florida tonight or tomorrow so I don't really have time, and I really gotta finish the next chapter in Haunted High School and Tally Marks before I go so yeah I'm kinda busy aha.

But anyways, that's literally all I had to say here so now I'm gonna get off and pack to leave. Have a picture of Vaughn before I go.

He was very confused by my makeup lol-he actually tried to get it off of me

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He was very confused by my makeup lol-he actually tried to get it off of me. He's so cute. Anyways thanks for reading this short and pointless thing-hope you're all having good days! If not then don't worry, things can always get better. ^•^ Take care of yourselves. You guys are all amazing, and I love you. Bye!-Bob

"I usually go and sit on a surface that isn't meant to be sat on, because when tomorrow comes I will be faced with even more challenges, and I am too overwhelmed to be worried about what is and is not a chair

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"I usually go and sit on a surface that isn't meant to be sat on, because when tomorrow comes I will be faced with even more challenges, and I am too overwhelmed to be worried about what is and is not a chair."

Lmao the only place I could think to sit on was the counter in my bathroom, which funnily enough for some reason when I'm anxious I literally will just sit there. Mostly bc in the bathroom no one can walk in on you and ask you why you're crying so-

Anyways that's it for real now lol, see ya

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