Birthday Bounce House (Logic x Anxiety x Morality x Prince)

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Requested. Please, do not leave any more requests. They will not be completed. (Also they're all little kids in this one and it's platonic LAMP)

Patton bounced excitedly in his seat, barely able to focus on anything except for the birthday party he had invited all of his friends to. He kept jumping up every two minutes, rushing to the window to peer out and see if anyone's car had arrived yet. His parents had laughed and told him to be patient, that it wouldn't be much longer, but he couldn't help but feel excited still!

He knew his birthday party was going to be a lot of fun. His parents had ended up renting a big jumping castle that they had set up in their backyard for the four of them to play on. Patton had wanted to get on and start jumping immediately, but his parents had told him to wait until his friends got there. Patton didn't mind-he knew it would be more fun while spending time with them.

When Patton jumped out of his seat once again to peer out the window, he was even more excited to see each of his friends pulling into his driveway. Patton quickly turned to his parents to yell that they were finally there, turning the handle on the door after his parents came to walk out with him. He ran excitedly over to where his friends had already gotten out and were waiting for him, throwing his arms around them all excitedly.

"Finally!" Patton exclaimed with a laugh, pulling back from the hug to look at all his friends. "You guys took forever."

After each of them had said hello and started talking to each other, Patton's parents called them all inside. When Patton remembered what was waiting in the backyard he excitedly urged them all to follow him, rushing back inside. Roman followed directly behind him, while Logan and Virgil took a second longer, not wanting to run.

"Are we allowed to go out back yet?" Patton asked his parents after getting in the front door.

"Just a little bit longer, okay?" His mother promised with a smile. She gestured over to his other mom, who was carrying a large cake over to the dining room table. "Don't you want to eat cake and open presents first, so you don't have to stop playing later?"

Patton agreed, and led his friends over to the table to sit down. His mom had set the cake up in the middle of the table, and in the seat that Patton normally took for dinner there were presents from his friends and his parents. Each of them sat down around the table, waiting for his parents to finish getting candles lit on the cake so that they could sing happy birthday to him.

"You guys are going to have so much fun when we get to go outside!" Patton told his friends, grinning widely and once again bouncing in his seat. He was just so excited and happy that he couldn't contain it. He continued to go on about his excitement for a few minutes, until the cake was finished and his friends had to sing to him. He blew out the candles quickly, opening up each of his presents from his friends just as fast.

He opened a card from Virgil first. Virgil seemed embarrassed at not being able to do more for his birthday, but Patton thought the note inside was the nicest thing in the world. In Virgil's hard to read, childish writing, he had written that Patton was his best friend. Patton was quick to assure him that he loved the note, stumbling out of his chair to hug him quickly(after asking if he could first, knowing that the anxious boy didn't like to be touched very much).

The next thing he opened was a foam sword from Roman. Roman loved to play with swords and pretend to be a heroic prince, and he had a sword very similar. However, the one he gave to Patton was more like a pirates sword. Patton giggled excitedly, giving Roman a hug as well. "Now I can look like a pirate!"

Finally, Patton opened the last gift from Logan. It was a big book full of coloring pages and different kinds of puzzles. Logan told him he had another one just like it, and that he thought the puzzles were fun. He also knew that Patton loved to color, and he thought it would be a nice gift. Patton gave Logan a hug too, thanking each of them once again for their gifts.

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