Unlovable? (Logic x Anxiety x Morality x Prince)

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This is sorta a vent fix of some feelings I've been having lately so just a warning this ones a little bit sad, so sorry. Also this isn't a request(and you are still allowed to request things currently) but I will work on them soon!!!! I've just been busy and got some stuff going on so it may be a bit but I promise I'll get them done. I'm also just gonna say sorry one more time for putting my pain onto Roman bc it's sad okay anyways moving on-

(Also a human au but they live in an apartment together)

Roman sighed to himself, watching a movie on the tv. He didn't understand why he was constantly torturing himself in this way. He knew seeing romance, fictional or otherwise, only made things worse on him.

He couldn't help it though-he was a hopeless romantic! He adored the idea of love. After all what could possibly be better than having someone who you loved and who loved you so much you were willing to do anything for each other? Who no matter what would always stay by each other's side, would never leave each other no matter what? What could be wrong with wanting something like that?

Roman realized what was wrong with that the hard way. He had always been this way, even when he was still in school. Yet no matter how much he believed that there was someone out there for anyone who wanted love, love had never found him.

He had tried, perhaps a little too hard, to find a love like he often imagined. A love like he saw on tv and movies-just like all of the Disney movies he loved oh so much! Each attempt was in vain, however, for they always ended with his heart broken just a little bit more.

As someone who fell in love too easily, it certainly wasn't due to his inability to find someone. Rather, it seemed that everyone else was unable to love him. Not that he blamed anyone, of course. No one could choose who they fell in love with, so of course it wasn't their fault. Instead, Roman blamed himself for never seeming to find the romance he so desired. It seemed that he was simply... unlovable.

Roman turned away from his movie, unable to watch what was usually his favorite part. His stomach felt uneasy just listening to the words of the characters on screen. His gaze fell upon the figures on the couch beside of him, a frown present on his lips as a memory suddenly came back to him.

It wasn't super surprising. Roman had noticed how close Virgil had gotten to Patton since the four of them had moved in together. He noticed how much time the two spent together without Logan and Roman, and the looks they sent each other when they thought the other wasn't looking, and even when they were.

He remembered when he found out. He had just gotten home, walking into their apartment silently enough that they didn't notice him. He found them in their living room, cuddled together on the couch. Nothing unusual-until he took a step closer and realized that they were kissing.

No, Roman thought. It wasn't surprising. But that didn't make it any less heartbreaking, because even though he knew nothing would ever come out of it, even though he knew how they felt towards each other, even though every other person he had ever loved never loved him back, his stupid heart had made him fall in love with all of his friends, and seeing them together hurt. He remembered just standing there, watching, feeling physically sick to his stomach and wishing he were far far away from there but unable to move.

Until they pulled away, and noticed him standing there. Virgil had immediately blushed brightly, trying to explain himself while Patton took his hand and squeezed it reassuringly, mumbling to him that it was okay. Roman quickly snapped out of his trance, shaking his head at Virgil's explanation and cutting him off. He forced a smile that he knew was weak, staring at the space right next to the couple to avoid looking at their faces.

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