Not Enough (Logic x Anxiety x Morality x Prince)

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Not enough. His mind shouted at him, making Patton curl in on himself, trying to bite back tears. You're the worst boyfriend. It told him, and the first tear fell. How could you fail them like this?

"-tton... Patt-" he heard someone saying what sounded like his name. "Patton, calm down!"

"Tell us what's wrong, Pat!" Another voice cried, almost snapping him out of it.

"Patton, we cannot help you unless you tell us what is upsetting you." He could make out who this one was. Logan. He felt two hands resting on his shoulder, opening his eyes to see Logan in front of him. Roman and Virgil were standing right beside of him, all of them looking at Patton worriedly.

Patton immediately jumped to wrap all three of them in a hug, crying and muttering apologies. They were confused, but returned the hug anyways.

"Pat, you don't have to apologize." Virgil told him, frowning.

"What would you have to be sorry for?" Roman questioned, and Patton frowned. He wiped at his eyes, sitting back and staring at the ground.

"I... I only have two hands..." He sobbed, covering his face. The other three all shared a confused glance before turning back to Patton, hugging him tightly and trying to help him stop crying.

"That's... okay, Patton." Logan tried to assure him. "We all have two hands. That is normal."

"You aren't understanding my problem!" Patton sniffled, still not looking at the three of them.

"No, no, we do! We understand that, uh... having four arms would be awesome! Then you'd be more like Stitch, and Stitch is great." Roman tried to understand what his boyfriend was saying, but all he got from his words were more muffled cries. Virgil shot Roman a glare.

"Then... explain what you mean, Pat. We wanna help you, but you have to tell us why this is bothering you." Virgil told him, rubbing comforting circles into Patton's back. Patton sighed.

"Isn't it obvious...? I have two hands." He said again. "And I have three boyfriends. Which means, I can't hold all of your hands! I'm the worst boyfriend in the world..." The three of them shared yet another glance, and for a moment Roman looked like he was about to laugh. Before that could happen both Virgil and Logan elbowed him in the side, making him glare at them both and then turn back to the crying Patton.

"Patton, its... okay," Logan started, but Patton shook his head.

"It's not!"

"It is, Pat. We don't mind." Virgil assured him, offering him a smile. Patton looked up at him, still frowning. He wiped at his eyes, seeming to calm down at least a little bit.

"Of course it's alright! We can, uh... take turns, holding your hand." Roman suggested, also grinning widely at Patton. Patton nodded slowly, tears stopping.

"Of course. We know that you love each of us very much, and we all return the feelings. You do not have to worry about holding all of our hands... we understand either way that you care for us." Logan explained, and at this point Patton's usual smile had somewhat returned.

"Thanks, guys... I love you all so much!" He exclaimed, kissing each of them on the cheek. "You're all the best."

"No, Patton, you are the best." Roman argued, the other two nodding in agreement.

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