The Floor is Lava (Anxiety x Logic)

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Prompt. Mostly written to cheer myself up, or I'd probably have done some more logicality cause I haven't done very much for that ship. Yes, this is an AU

Logan smiled slightly as he approached the door to his home. He was happy to be home.

Unlocking the door to his house, Logan opened it up and stepped inside, turning around to close the door behind him. He was about to turn around, pausing when he heard giggling from around the corner. The smile on his face grew, locking the door back and making his way into the living room, although what he found wasn't exactly what he had been expecting.

He did find the source of the giggling he had heard, those were coming from his son and husband, but where he found them was the most surprising. His son, Mason, was standing on one of the couches, watching his dad, Virgil, balanced between the arm of the couch their son was on and the one beside of it.

"Come on, dad! You're gonna fall!" Mason laughed, bouncing up and down on the couch in excitement. Virgil grinned over at him.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing." He assured his son, leaping over to the couch Mason was on and lifting his son into the air, making him laugh more. Logan, still smiling at the sight of them, cleared his throat to gain their attention.

"What are you two doing?" He questioned, watching the two of them as they quickly turned to face him.

"The floor is lava!" They cried in unison, voices frantic. Mason jumped down from Virgil's arms, jumping onto the floor and grabbing Logan by the hand.

"Quick! Come on, you have to get off of the floor!" Logan allowed his son to drag him over to the couch, standing on it as instructed.

"You are aware that we could break the furniture doing this, right?" He raised an eyebrow at Virgil, who shrugged.

"We could, but I think our lives are more important. And obviously we'd die if we touched the lava." He explained, Mason nodding along with a grin.

"Exactly! That's why we're up here. I can't lose my dad's!" He cried, throwing his arms around both of their legs. They both smiled, Virgil leaning down to pick the boy up, kissing the top of his head.

"Exactly. And we're not going anywhere." He promised, smiling at Mason and Logan, both smiling back at him. Mason leaned against Virgil, yawning.

"I love you, dads." He mumbled sleepily, both of them smiling at their adorable son.

"We love you too, buddy." Virgil grinned, both him and Logan sitting down on the couch instead of standing. It didn't take long for Mason to drift off, Virgil smiling at him and shifting to lean against Logan. Logan wrapped his arms around the both of them, kissing the top of Virgil's head, and then his son's.

Virgil, also seeming tired from playing with Mason all day, let his eyes fall shut as he leaned against his husband. The two whispered "I love you's" to each other, both of them soon following their son in falling asleep.

Fun fact: my 4th-5th grade crush was called Mason

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Fun fact: my 4th-5th grade crush was called Mason. We were friends till someone told him I liked him and then he stopped talking to me. Fun. I loved school.

So. I had an awful panic attack, and as much as I wanna keep working on stuff I'm just so exhausted. I didn't really wanna work on this, but, for you guys I did lol. I got half of a chapter of Robot done today-I think you guys will like this chapter. I'll do my best to finish the rest of it tomorrow, and some more(better) oneshots. Hopefully. I'll try my best.

Anyways, thanks for reading hope you enjoyed it. *you turn on your shower and get literally showered with ring pops*

 *you turn on your shower and get literally showered with ring pops*

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Take care of yourselves. Love you guys. Bye-Bob

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