Potions (No Ship)

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Requested. Also this says no ships, but like... there's shippy moments

Also important-Wattpad messages are being stupid for me rn, so I might not be able to respond if you message me. Sorry.

Roman had been working on a potion. The monsters in the imagination had gotten out of control, so he was attempting to create a calming potion. His attempts so far were unsuccessful, and in his most recent attempt it seemed to calm them too much. It made the monsters entirely useless unless he was looking to turn them into pets.

He sighed, feeling annoyed at how long this was taking him. He was only getting more and more frustrated the longer he sat there, and decided it would probably be best to step away for a bit. Leaving his room to take a break, Roman left to try and calm down. He could continue working when he was less stressed.

Shortly after Roman had left his room with the potion still there Logan had gone to ask him for something. He knocked on the door, waiting quietly for an answer. When it didn't come he knocked again, only to once more be met with no answer. Tired of waiting, Logan pushes open the door to find it completely empty. He looked around, wondering where Roman had went before deciding to step inside and find what he needed on his own.

As he was searching he happened to notice the potion on Roman's desk. Growing curious he approached the desk cautiously, reaching out to take the bottle and examining it. The potion inside was a strange green color, and Logan was curious as to what exactly it was. As he turned the glass around in his hands, hoping to find a label of some kind, the potion slipped from his hands and crashed to the ground. Immediately the glass broke, splashing up onto Logan. "Oh, shi-"

He cut himself off quickly, stepping away from the broken pile of glass and looking around. He didn't know what to do at first. Should he clean it up, or wait on Roman to return? Should he just leave it?

The last option became the most appealing as Logan spotted what he had come in there for. He sighed, moving to grab it and deciding to let Roman deal with the broken potion glass. Without thinking much about the effects the contents of the glass might have on him, Logan left the room to go and finish what he had been doing before.


Later on that day, before Roman could get back up to his room to continue working on his potion Patton announced that it was time for dinner. He made his way into the kitchen, surprised at what he saw when he entered. The other three were already in the kitchen, which was nothing unusual, however Logan was certainly acting strange. The logical side, who was usually very much against any displays of affection, was clinging onto a very confused Virgil.

"Uh... you okay, dude?" He questioned, awkwardly putting his hands on Logan's shoulders. He didn't hug him back, nor did he push him away, feeling completely confused and unsure of what he should do. Logan didn't say anything, so Virgil looked around at Roman and Patton, silently begging them to help him.

"Logan?" Patton spoke up, his confusion obvious as well. "Is something bothering you..?"

Logan shook his head, not giving any other answer. He finally released Virgil from the hug, Virgil immediately moving away to avoid being trapped yet again. He looked over at Patton then, opening his arms up to silently ask for a hug from him. Patton smiled, happy to give hugs to anyone who wanted them. He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around him as Logan did the same, and while he simply seemed to accept his odd behavior Roman wanted to know what was going on with him.

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