Camping (Logic x Anxiety x Morality x Prince)

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Virgil let out a content sigh as he looked at the scene around him, taking in everything. He listened to the rushing water of the creek he was sat in front of, and felt the sun shining on his back as well as the gentle breeze that shook the trees around him. He let his fingers brush over the grass he was sitting on, twirling a blade in his finger and then letting it go. Everything felt surprisingly peaceful out here.

He heard footsteps approaching behind him, recognizing who they belonged to in an instant. He didn't look over as they sat down at his side, fingers lacing with his own silently. Virgil let a small smile grow on his lips as he leaned over to rest his head on Patton's shoulder, Patton resting his head on Virgil's.

"Don't you think you should be helping put up the tent?" Patton suggested. Virgil paused for a moment, listening behind him to Logan and Roman, who were arguing over how to properly put the tent up. Virgil's smile grew, and he shrugged.

"Nah. They seem to have it figured out." He snorted, and Patton laughed with him. "Plus I'm too comfortable to move. I like this spot."

"Well, if you aren't going to help put up the tent then you will have to help start the fire later. You can't expect us to do all the work for you!" Patton chided, and Virgil sighed.

"I know," he frowned. "I'll help later. Promise."

"Good." Patton smiled, shifting to kiss the top of his head. The two sat there, watching the water and waiting for the other two to finish setting up their tent.

"Finally!" Roman shouted, causing Virgil and Patton to jump. "We've finished!"

The two of them turned around to find Logan and Roman standing by the tent that was finally standing, ready for when the four of them needed to rest for the night. Roman was grinning triumphantly, and even Logan had a proud smile on his face.

"It's about time," Virgil called over to them. "I thought we might have to sleep under the stars tonight."

Logan paused as he said this, seeming to consider something. "...could we? I... It would be good research, to look up at the stars."

"Logan, we all know you just like the stars. Don't try and act like there's any other reason for wanting to stay out tonight." Roman teased him, and Logan frowned.

"Is there something wrong with enjoying the sight of the stars?" Logan questioned, immediately receiving a loud 'no!' from Patton. "Then, I do not see why it should be a problem."

"We were already planning to stargaze, Logan. Don't worry." Virgil told him, still not looking back over at Roman and Logan in favor of watching the water. The logical side seemed to accept his answer and the arguing between him and Roman stopped, for now. The two of them made their way over to join Virgil and Patton, all four of them sitting so they were touching in some way.

At some point Roman broke away from the other three, moving to pick up a certain rock that had caught his eye. He looked it over for a moment, then looked out over the water. The others all watched as he skipped the rock, watching it bounce over the water a few times before finally sinking out of sight.

"Ooh!" Patton looked excited, being the next to break away from the group. Virgil didn't mind, switching to lean instead on Logan, who instantly had an arm around him to hold him closer. "I wanna know how to do that. Teach me, teach me!"

Roman laughed, agreeing and taking a moment to kiss Patton. Then he pulled away, scanning the ground and finally picking up another rock that was good for skipping. He took one of Patton's hands, gently placing the rock in his hand but holding it so he would wait. "Here, I'll help you do it the first time."

Patton let Roman show him how to do it, Logan and Virgil both rolling their eyes as they knew Roman was only using this as an excuse to wrap his arms around Patton. He had one hand resting on his waist, the other holding the back of Patton's hand and showing him how to move so the rock would skip. After explaining it he helped Patton to try and skip it, telling him when to let go and watching as the rock did the exact same as Romans had before. Patton was excited, practicing some more until he could do it well enough on his own. Logan and Virgil both watched on with smiles, simply happy to see the others happy.

After skipping rocks and spending some time messing around in the water the four of them decided to go make something to eat. Virgil and Patton started the fire since Logan and Roman had set up the tent, and there was much less arguing between the two of them. Soon it was getting darker, and stars were slowly appearing in the night sky. The four of them all decided to lay down on the grass, each of them holding hands and laying on their backs.

Roman, Patton, and Virgil all glanced at each other with wide smiles, all of them incredibly happy as Logan was visibly growing more and more excited. The stars were bright and easy to see out where they were. The sky was full of more stars than they had ever seen, and it was beautiful.

It didn't take long before Logan began excitedly pointing out different things in the stars, raising his hand that was intertwined with Patton's to point at things. The others all followed his gaze, happily listening to him and asking questions.

Virgil glanced over at Logan, happily noticing the extremely rare, bright smile he wore as he spoke happily about stars. He glanced over Logan to see Patton, who was also listening intently to Logan with a grin, and then two his other side to see Roman. Roman was looking right back at him, smiling and leaning over to press a short kiss to his lips. Virgil smiled back after he pulled away, sighing happily as he once again looked over at each of his boyfriends. He couldn't help but think about just how great of an idea it was to go camping with each other, and he almost wished that it could last forever.

It's 11AM and I hate myself, but at least I'm being productive. I've finished this (which has been in my drafts for a while aha) and also half a chapter of Tally Marks that I will not be finishing until after I've had plenty of sleep and can be sure it isn't awful.

I really need to go work on my math homework, which I have... a lot to catch up on, in one day. But my brain is not functioning well enough to actually concentrate on math, so until I get at least a couple hours of sleep I'm not getting anything else done.

So, last oneshot until I've been asleep at least two hours. And possibly not until tomorrow, because I'm hoping that if I only sleep a little bit today I'll be tired enough tonight that I can actually sleep through the night and be better tomorrow.

Anyways, I'm gonna get off now. I am literally barely able to keep my head up to finish writing this lmao. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this. *

* Thanks for the suggestion

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* Thanks for the suggestion. Please leave me more, I have only one left I believe. Take care of yourselves. Love you guys. Bye-Bob

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