I Like You, Dumbass (Prince x Anxiety)

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Based on a photo I found on Pinterest.

Virgil fell onto his bed after finally arriving home from school, laying on his back and staring up at the ceiling. He heard his friend Roman walk in behind him, both of them had walked to Virgil's house together to hang out, since their other two friends Logan and Patton were both out together. He expected him to just sit beside of him on the bed normally, but of course Roman couldn't just do the normal thing.

Roman also chose to lay down on Virgil's bed, deciding to use Virgil's legs as a pillow for himself, one arm crossed behind his head and the other holding his phone in front of him. Virgil immediately felt his face flush as he did, despite knowing Roman for a while now and knowing how touchy he could be. It wasn't like Virgil really minded much, but it always caught him off guard. Besides, who wouldn't be embarrassed to be so close to the guy they were crushing on?

After a few moments Virgil relaxed a little, pushing himself on his arms to sit up. He could see Roman better that way. He lifted one hand hesitantly, other hand fidgeting with the end of his hoodie, and slowly ran his fingers through Roman's hair. When he felt Roman push his head back to lean into the touch he smiled a little, continuing to gently rake his fingers through his hair and enjoying the nice and quiet moment between the two of them.

"You're chatty today." Virgil remarked, looking down at Roman and raising a brow. "Something wrong with you?"

Roman closed his eyes and let out a loud and exaggerated sigh. When he opened his eyes again he was looking right back up into Virgil's eyes. Virgil felt his cheeks burn a little more and he glanced away briefly. "It... is possible that I may be having a bit of trouble related to... a boy."

"Really? You're having trouble with a boy?" Virgil questioned, and Roman frowned in confusion.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He asked.

"Nothing, it's just..." Virgil looked away and shrugged, trying to explain himself. "I mean, you're already super confident. I'm sure you could just go up and tell him. Plus, half the people in school are in love with you, so. You really shouldn't have too much trouble."

Roman let out a small laugh at his answer, and Virgil hid a smile behind his hand. He liked to hear him laugh, even if everything else they were talking about was really bringing down his own mood. He already knew he didn't have any chance of being with Roman anyways, but it still hurt to find out he liked someone else.

"I guess you might have a point. I'm still not sure how I should tell him, though." Roman frowned again, no doubt trying to come up with some elaborate idea to confess his love. Virgil just rolled his eyes at him.

"It doesn't have to be anything huge, dude. Just... invite him to see a movie with you this weekend or something." He suggested.

Roman paused to think for a moment. He tilted his head back to see Virgil's face better, smiling up at him. "So, you wanna go see a movie this weekend?"

Virgil stared back at him, confused and frowning. "Uh... yeah, that's what I said you should ask him. So... text him, or something."

"I just did ask him." Roman responded back, laughing a little at Virgil's obliviousness. Virgil just looked even more confused, looking down at the turned off phone in Roman's hands and pointing towards it.

"Your phone's off though. So how did you text him?"

Roman stared at Virgil suspiciously for a moment, trying to gauge whether he was being serious or not. Virgil was still entirely confused, and Roman shook his head at his friend. "Wow, you... you really don't get it."

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