Monkey Bars (Logic x Prince)

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I know I have requests I swear I'll get them done soon I just knew I wouldn't be able to focus long enough and wanted to get something short done, sorry.

"Let's go on a walk," Roman suggested randomly, sitting beside of Logan on the couch. Logan looked up from his book to raise an eyebrow at Roman.

"Why?" He questioned, receiving a shrug in response.

"I'm bored! C'mon Logan, it will be fun." Roman insisted, standing and pulling Logan's arm to get him to follow. Logan sighed, shaking off Roman's arm to put a bookmark in his place. Setting his book aside he stood with Roman, following as he was led out of the door.

"Where exactly are we walking to?" Logan asked, looking over at Roman. Roman simply shrugged again, offering Logan a grin.

"Wherever we want!" Roman paused. "I do have one place in mind."

"What place might that be?" Logan wondered, watching Roman. Roman assumed he was suspicious of him, but Logan was really just admiring him. Roman grinned wider, not answering. Instead he took Logan's hand, speeding up and leading him somewhere. "Where are we going, Roman?"

"Just focus on keeping up with me, Teach." Roman laughed, and Logan rolled his eyes. He wasn't that annoyed, however. He was simply curious about where they were heading. It didn't take long for them to arrive in front of an empty park, Roman finally letting go of his hand and walking ahead of him.

Logan tried to ignore the fact that he missed holding Roman's hand and instead followed behind him. He looked around the park then turned back to Roman, who was watching him with a smirk. "A park? For children?"

"Well, technically they're for anyone." Roman pointed out, and Logan ignored him.

"Why are we here?" He asked, and Roman smiled.

"Why not be here?" He shot back. Logan began to talk about the many reasons they might choose to not hang around a park, Roman rolling his eyes and ignoring him as he walked behind him. Logan didn't notice, continuing on with his rant.

"Not only that, but we could be-" Logan cut himself off, only just seeming to notice that Roman had walked off. He spun around, finding Roman and staring at him in confusion. "What are you doing?"

Roman grinned at Logan from the monkey bars he was hanging upside down on. Logan kept a fond smile off his face as he approached him, forcing a frown as he awaited a response. Roman leaned towards Logan as much as he could, chuckling as he answered. "Trying to kiss you."

Logan rolled his eyes, unable to hide the smile any longer. He stepped slightly closer so that Roman didn't have to lean awkwardly towards him anymore, leaning in close. He paused just an inch away, smile growing as he spoke. "You are going to fall."

Roman, who had been expecting Logan to actually lean in the rest of the way, huffed. He gripped onto Logan's tie, frowning and muttering. "Shut up and kiss me already, I'm getting lightheaded."

Logan chuckled at that, being pulled into the kiss by his tie. He closed his eyes and returned the kiss eagerly. After a few moments he noticed Roman slipping off of the monkey bars, reacting quickly and catching him before he fell to the ground. Roman seemed surprised, looking down at the ground and then back up to Logan. It didn't take long for his smirk to reappear. "Looks like I just fell for you."

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