Be More Careful (Logic x Prince)

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Roman hissed in pain, trying to ignore the fact that he had just been cut by a sword one of his enemies was wielding. Quickly, he defeated them, not bothering to wait around after successfully saving another prince. He stayed long enough to help him out, and to be thanked, and then he ended daydream mode.

He hissed again as he pulled back his sleeve, which was now stained red with blood. The cut burned, and Roman's stomach dropped at seeing how deep it was. He did his best to cover it up, at least until he found the first aid kit they had lying around. He left his room to search for it, hoping to not run into anyone.

It seemed that today was just not his day as suddenly a certain logical trait had bumped into him. He used an arm to brace himself as he fell to the floor, crying out as he realized it was his injured one.

"Roman? Are you alright?" Logan asked, frown on his face. He reached down to help the fanciful side stand, Roman accepting it.

"Yes! Everything is quite alright, nothing is wrong." He rushed out, keeping his arm hidden from Logan. Logan noticed the way he was standing, and raised an eyebrow.

"Everything is fine?" He asked, receiving a nod from Roman, and a grin that more resembled a grimace. "Then, you wouldn't mind showing me your arm?"

"Uh..." Roman frowned, looking away from Logan and silently cursing himself. He knew he had been caught, but he still tried to keep up his lie. "My arm? Why would you want to see my arm? It's perfectly fine."

Logan gave him a pointed look, and Roman sighed, chewing nervously on his lip. He moved his arm from behind his back, showing Logan the sleeve that had been completely stained. Logan appeared startled, quickly-but gently-taking Roman's arm and looking it over.

"Can I pull back your sleeve?" He asked, looking up at Roman, who sighed again and nodded. Logan carefully peeled it back, though it was difficult with the soaked material clinging to his skin. He was unable to get it back far enough to see the entire injury, but it was enough to see that it was bad. He apologized as Roman gasped, obviously in pain. Logan frowned again, not saying anything as he took Roman by the hand and dragged him to the bathroom.

He got down the first aid kit, instructing Roman to sit on the counter. "I know this may be difficult with your arm hurting, but I need you to take your shirt off so I can see the cut better. Your sleeve will not go any higher, and in order to properly clean it I need to be able to see it."

Roman nodded, cheeks flush as he tried to lift the shirt over his head. Logan, noticing him struggling, moved to help him get it off. After managing the get the blood stained top off of the Royal, the logical side went straight to work. He cleaned the cut, once more apologizing to Roman as he made a pained sound, and bandaged it up.

After finished up and glancing up to Roman, Logan finally seemed to realize that the very person he had developed romantic feelings for was sitting shirtless in front of him. He felt his face warm as he caught himself staring, clearing his throat and glancing away.

"Er, now that that has been taken care of, may I ask how you got your injury?" Logan questioned, unable to look at Roman as he spoke.

"Daydream mode." Roman said simply, smirking as he noticed Logan purposefully looking away from him. "Embarrassed to see me shirtless, nerd?"

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