Makeup (Prince x Anxiety)

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Hi I'm sad please leave me some fluffy requests to help cheer myself up thank you. Also at least until after we see more of him I'm not gonna be writing anything with Deceit in it, sorry.

It wasn't unusual for Virgil to wear makeup, and it wasn't unusual for him to try out different things. What was unusual was for him to actually leave his room while wearing something different than his normal makeup. He didn't change much; just decided to wear some dark lipstick that he really happened to like. It was a dark purple, and it looked really nice with the rest of his usual outfit.

It took a few minutes of convincing himself that it was okay to go out, but eventually he talked himself into it. Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, Virgil stepped out of his room and made his way to the room where his boyfriend and the other sides were. He sat down next to Roman, trying not to draw too much attention to himself. Unfortunately, when he looked up the other three were all looking at him anyways.

Virgil's face heat up, and he opened his mouth to speak. No words came out for a while, too nervous to form any proper sentence. "W-what?" He uttered out finally, looking around at them.

Almost immediately the others seemed to realize that they were staring. Logan looked away from him after saying that his makeup looked nice. Patton smiled widely at him, agreeing with Logan and also going back to what he had been doing before, leaving Roman as the only one left staring at him. He grinned down at Virgil, wrapping an arm around him and kissing the top of his head. "You look so fucking hot."

Virgil's face lit up even more and he swatted at Roman's arm, muttering something about how embarrassing he was. Roman just laughed, pulling him into a kiss that Virgil quickly melted into. "Sorry. But really, Virge, you look wonderful."

"Thanks," Virgil mumbled, looking up at Roman with a smile. He noticed that some of his lipstick had come off on Roman's lips, and laughed. "Uh... You've got something on your face there, Princey."

"What?" Roman frowned, conjuring up a mirror to check. "Oh." He though for a moment, considering something and getting rid of the mirror to look at Virgil. "Would you mind doing my makeup too..?"

Virgil shrugged. "If you want me to. At least that way we won't have to worry about getting lipstick on each other."

"And it means I get to kiss you more," Roman grinned at him again, once more leaning down to capture his lips in a kiss. Virgil sighed, pulling Roman closer.

"Yeah," he agreed, pulling back from the kiss. "That is definitely a good reason."

Sorry the ending sucks on this, didn't know how to end it and I really just wanted it to be done (this has been in my drafts since Sunday)

I said I'd have a new books out on Monday and it's Wednesday now and I still haven't uploaded it. Whoops. It's... halfway written, but I'm procrastinating bc 1. I'm sad, and 2. I'm nervous about people not liking it and I've also kind of got writers block, another reason I'm asking for prompts. I have ideas to write, I just can't seem to get them written out. I'm hoping with requests I'll have everything in the story already figured out so it won't be as hard, and hopefully it might help me write other things? I dunno, I'm just gonna try.

Honestly tho writers block is the worst. I've had this in my drafts to complete, and then I also have half a chapter of Parenthood, Robot, and Tally Marks, none of which I'm able to finish bc my brain just won't make the words go. It's frustrating. Hopefully this goes away soon.

Anyways, just be aware that even tho I'm asking for requests I may still get stuck so if it takes a little bit for me to finish I'm sorry. And pls don't leave any super angsty requests, or anything super long and complicated. Just something simple and adorable, otherwise I may not be able to do it, sorry. Now, I haven't eaten all day so I should probably go and do that.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this. *your phone glitches and a ring pop appears on the screen. A few moments later an actual ring pop appears beside of you* (no pictures of ring pop suggestions will load onto Wattpad rn, so I used my own. Sorry) Take care of yourselves. I love you guys, and hope you're all having amazing days, and if not then I will send you internet hugs. Bye!-Bob

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