(Prince x Anxiety)

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This oneshot is brought to you by: the two fucking flies that wouldn't stop buzzing around my head. When the first one died I thought I was safe but then there was another one. I hope they both burn in Hell. .....but I guess I have to be kinda glad that this also cured my random writers block and I could write this oneshot to vent my frustration so whatever-

Also this can be taken as platonic or romantic, it does kinda lean towards being romantic at the end but it's really up to how you see it so idk

Virgil was definitely confused and a little concerned when he first heard something crashing in the room next door to him, followed by several frustrated curses. He wasn't sure what was going on, and after listening in for a moment it sounded like something bad might be happening. So, after a few minutes of debating whether or not he cared enough to check it out, Virgil rose from his comfortable bed and made his way into the hallway.

He knocked on the door the noise was coming from-Roman's room-and waited for a response. None came, so he knocked a second time. Then a third time. After the forth time it was clear that Roman couldn't hear him, and he decided to simply open the door and walk in. Virgil didn't really know what he had been expecting when he opened up the door to the creative sides bedroom, but it certainly hadn't been this.

Papers were scattered across the room, along with various writing utensils, a few notebooks, some open and some closed, and in the middle of it was Roman-brandishing a sword and looking around the room frantically. He was facing away from Virgil, so he hadn't noticed his entrance yet and Virgil wasn't sure if he really wanted to gain his attention. Still, he did want to know what was going on, so he very slowly closed the door to Roman's room and turned to raise an eyebrow at him.

"What are you doing?" He asked, jumping when Roman whirled around and slashed his sword in his direction. Immediately after realizing it was a person behind him and not whatever he had been searching for before his eyes widened, cheeks staining pink as he quickly held his sword behind his back.

"Virgil!" He said, looking at him and then glancing around the room again as if making sure they were safe. "...did you need something?"

"I was just wondering what the noise was..." Virgil answered, following his eyes around and not seeing anything. "What are you looking for?"

"...nothing, it's nothing!" Roman shook his head, walking across the room to stand in front of Virgil. "I was just... messing around, I promise I'll be quieter. If that's all you needed then you can go now-"

"Wait," Virgil shook his head, stopping Roman as he tried to shoo him out the door. "Seriously, do you need some help? Something's clearly bothering you a lot."

Roman didn't say anything for a while, glancing around the room again and nervously chewing his bottom lip. He winced as he heard that familiar and terrible buzzing sound by his ear. Immediately he sighed, bringing his hands up to grip his head and gritting his teeth as he fought back frustrated tears. "There's... there's a fly in here, and it's been buzzing around my head for the last hour and I just want it to go away."

"Whoa, dude... it's-it's just a fly, there's no need to start crying over it." Virgil frowned at him, unsure what to do if he started to actually cry.

"It's not just that," Roman breathed, still doing his best to keep back his tears. "It's just... everything. Everything has been so stressful lately, I..."

"Hold on," Virgil said, putting a hand on his shoulder that he hoped was comforting. "Why don't you go... wait in the living room. I'll kill the stupid fly, and... I dunno, we could eat ice cream and you can talk about stuff, if you want."

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