I've Missed You (Prince x Anxiety)

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Au. Maybe not my best one but oh well I'm tired

Roman had definitely not expected to land in the situation he had suddenly found himself in. He simply wanted to go out and have fun with friends; he did not want to run into his ex. Unfortunately, life had other plans for him. So here he was now, awkwardly staring at Virgil, who he had just run into.

"I-uh... sorry for... running into you." Roman started, stuttering nervously and rubbing his neck. Virgil just shrugged, looking to the ground.

"It's fine, don't worry about it." He muttered, glancing around the room as though searching for someone or something to save him from this awkward situation. Roman shifted his weight from foot to foot, drawing in a deep breath.

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" He asked, trying to start up a conversation. As much as he hated to admit it, Roman had missed him. He wished they could talk like normal, wished things could go back to how they were before.

"Yeah, it has." Virgil agreed. There was a long moment of awkward silence, neither of them meeting the others eyes. Roman tried to say something, to make both of them feel less awkward. He thought about whether or not he should just run from the conversation, to save them both from the embarrassment.

Then their eyes met, and suddenly Roman couldn't help himself. He found himself leaning in, his lips on Virgil's, kissing him hesitantly. He waited for Virgil to push him off, to yell at him, but instead he felt arms wind around his neck and pull him in closer.

Roman's own arms found themselves around Virgil's waist, kissing him harder. He clutched onto him as though he was scared that if he let go he would never see Virgil again, and he knew that that could be the case. He didn't want to stop kissing him, so he didn't. Not until they had to pull away to breathe, and even then the two didn't move away from each other.

"I've missed you..." Roman muttered breathlessly, forehead pressed against Virgil's. Virgil hummed, pecking his lips again.

"I've missed you too." He sighed, closing his eyes as he leaned against Roman. "I wish we hadn't stopped talking..."

"Me too." Roman agreed. "I..." I still love you. "We could... start talking again...? I can give you my number back if you need it."

Virgil was silent for a moment, stepping back from Roman slightly to look up at him. "I still have it... are you-are you sure you still want to talk to me again?"

Roman was the silent one this time. It took him a minute to gather his thoughts, and he sighed. "Of course I do. I... also kept your number. I guess I hoped that one day we could talk again because-" He winced, almost saying those words again. I still love you.

"Oh..." Virgil mumbled, looking to the floor. "I... I kept yours for the same reason."

Roman smiled slightly, glad that Virgil still wanted to talk to him. He hoped that meant that Virgil still returned his same feelings, and that the kiss they had just shared wasn't just a meaningless mistake to him. He was about to say something when he heard his name being called, one of his friends looking at him. He frowned, shooting Virgil an apologetic grin.

"Sorry... I should probably get going. But, uh... text you later...?" He suggested nervously, Virgil smiling back at him.

"Yeah. We'll talk later. A-and, Roman?" He looked at him, cheeks flushed. "I, uh... I still, really, er..."

Roman cut him off by pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Yeah. Me too. I'll see you around, Virgil."

Roman walked back to where his friends were calling him, small smile on his face. He was going to see him again. They were both going to talk, and Virgil still loved him just like Roman loved him.

He didn't have to miss him anymore.

Listen-I know this isn't my best, and I really apologize for that. I had an idea, didn't exactly go as planned, and this is what came out of it so sorry. Hope it was okay.

I'm gonna leave this decision up to you guys, because I wanna do what you guys want, so. Here are some options.

Do you want me to:

Update Robot

Update Tally Marks

Update this book again

Get some fucking sleep

Yes the last one is a real option. I'm leaving it up to you guys, cause if a lot of you pick for me to sleep instead of updating then I might actually do it. Maybe. But like, also tell me which actual book needs updated soon, even if I don't do it tonight bc I wanna know which one I should work on tomorrow

Seeeee I really am trying to do better about putting my work over my health
Are you proud of me

BUT ALSO MY IDEA FOR THE NEXT ONESHOT IS REALLY CUTE AND I WANNA WRITE IT SO BAD (but I won't unless you want me to it can wait until tomorrow)

Oh also
I'm actually watching a tv show that's directed at teenagers, which I don't actually ever do, and....... what the fuck is up with all the sex????? Parents really let their kids watch this??? I mean, my mom did but. Why do teens like this shit so much???? Sex is so gross gosh

Plus!!! It literally adds nothing to the show, none of it I don't understand. I don't think my mom believes me when I say I skip most of the sex scenes but like.... I really do. Cause I think it's gross. Sex is just, so weird. Why do people enjoy it???

I mean. People can do what they want but I'm really not interested that does not sound fun to me

Lmao anyways, moving on from that I'm gonna get off of here and see what you guys want me to do. If I don't get any responses in a few minutes I'll probably just sleep. You guys'll be fine with that, right? Yeah. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this. *when you get home from school you find a mysterious package on your bed that contains a ring pop*

 *when you get home from school you find a mysterious package on your bed that contains a ring pop*

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Thank you for the suggestion! Take care of yourselves. You are very important and come before anything else, and if I can learn that then you can to. Love you guys. 💜💜💜 Bye!-Bob

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