Asexual (Logic x Morality)

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Requested. Warning for talking about sex? I dunno, they basically just talk about not wanting to have sex but just in case. I'm not accepting anymore requests by the way, sorry! Was going to, but can't know for reasons. Also, look out for a new book tonight/tomorrow? Not sure when yet, but soon! Because even tho I don't need to be working on anymore books I'm stupid and I'm doing it anyways-

Patton wasn't entirely sure how the topic had come up, but somehow he was there, talking about relationships with Roman and Virgil. He was talking to them about what he preferred in a relationship, suddenly feeling a little awkward about it. "I dunno. I'd just rather cuddle or kiss, and hold hands. I'm not very interested in.. other stuff."

He felt even more awkward when Virgil and Roman shared a glance with each other, seeming to have a silent conversation with each other. Patton pulled the sleeves of his cat hoodie tighter around his shoulders, shrinking in on himself as he waited for them to say something. Was that weird? Was he weird?

"Pat," Virgil started cautiously, making Patton look up at him. "Have you ever heard of asexuality?"

Patton shrugged, looking back down at his hands. He thought he had heard the term before, but he couldn't remember exactly what it was. "Why? What is it?"

"It means you don't feel sexual attraction towards anyone." Roman explained, watching as Patton thought about it. "Sometimes people who are asexual are happy to be in romantic relationships, but just don't want to have sex."

"And sometimes they don't mind doing that, but they just don't feel like it's something they need." Virgil explained. It took a while of them explaining things and asking Patton if he might feel that way, but eventually Patton realized that it made a lot of sense. It explained why he never felt anything like that even when he did love someone, and it explained why he never understood certain things that others enjoyed.

When Patton started to understand, he felt really happy, for some reason. Like he finally understood something about himself he hadn't realized he had been questioning so much. He almost felt relieved.

Then, with one sudden thought, his happiness turned to panic. What would Logan think?

"What..." Patton started, attempting to voice his concerns to Roman and Virgil. "Do you think that... W-Will Logan still love me...?"

Almost immediately after he asked his question Virgil was sitting next to him, arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders. "Oh Pat, of course. Logan loves you more than anything, he'll understand! Right, Roman?"

"Of course!" Roman nodded quickly, moving to sit on Patton's other side to hug him as well. "It might be a little confusing at first, but Logan will understand. I'm sure of it."

It took a little while longer of comforting words and reassurances that even if Logan wasn't there, they would be before Patton finally decided he would try to tell him. Eventually, he told them. He couldn't promise that it would be soon, because he was scared and it was still so new to him too, but he knew he would tell him eventually. He had to.


Patton was sitting cross legged in a chair in front of Logan, eyes closed as he searched for the right words to say. He had told Logan he needed to speak with him about something, and though Logan was curious, he sat patiently until Patton was ready to speak. He still knew nothing of the conversation Patton had had with Roman and Virgil that happened months ago now, and Patton wasn't sure how to say it.

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