We're Here (No Ship)

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Please don't expect daily oneshots for a little while, I'm sorry but I haven't gotten any better and I just don't feel like doing anything. Also this is me venting I'm sorry, but there is a happy ending with some platonic LAMP so hope that's okay

Patton felt awful. He was sad, tired, and he wanted nothing more than to lay in bed and do nothing for the rest of the day. Unfortunately, if he did that someone would come looking for him so here he was, keeping himself busy and distracted by cooking for everyone. At least he was being productive-who cared if he was sad? What was important was being useful to the others.

He didn't hear Virgil come into the kitchen, so when he turned around to get something and he was standing right behind him it was definitely startling. "Oh! Virgil, you scared me. What are you doing in here?"

"Nothing. I was bored, so I came out here. Are you doing okay?" He asked, and Patton silently cursed himself for being so obvious. He put on an oblivious smile, nodding.

"Of course! I'm fine." He lied. He knew his smile looked unconvincing, so he turned went back to what he was getting before, making sure not to face Virgil.

"Okay.." Virgil muttered, and Patton tried not to feel disappointed. He knew it would get brushed off; after all, Virgil did his part. He asked, and if Patton lied then it was his fault he was suffering in silence. Even though he knew that if Virgil had pushed him just a bit, if he had just asked one more time, Patton would have been honest. He knew it would be better for him to talk, knew that if he was just honest then maybe he would feel a little better with the help of his friends.

It was his fault, though, because he didn't tell Virgil the truth, and as he was turned away to go back to cooking he heard Virgil leave the room. He sighed, pausing for a moment to take a breath and will away the tears that threatened to slip down his cheeks. Then he went back to work, because he didn't get to be sad. He didn't need to talk to anyone-he just needed to do his best to get the rest of his normal chores done, because otherwise what was he good for?

A few minutes passed, and Patton was nearly finished when he heard someone else enter the room. He didn't turn to greet them, assuming that they weren't there to talk to him anyways. He thought they would leave quickly, just as Virgil had, and was startled when he felt three pairs of arms pull him into a hug. Setting down his spatula on the counter he turned to face them, confused to see them all looking at him in concern.

"Virgil told us that you seemed upset." Logan explained upon seeing his confusion.

"We all wanted to make sure you were okay." Roman added on, and Patton's eyes landed on Virgil. He looked nervous, not quite meeting Patton's eyes as he stepped back from the hug.

"I know you said you were okay, and I didn't want to push it but I... well, we're here, if you need us. I wanted you to know that." Virgil explained, shrugging and glancing up at Patton. His eyes fell back to the floor moments after, and Patton stared, not saying anything as he thought to himself.

They were really that worried about him? He didn't think that he should matter that much. So what if he felt sad? He was supposed to always be there for them, but they... they wanted to be there for him too. Patton felt them hug him tighter than before and just barely noticed that he had tears on his face, instead focusing on the feeling of warm arms pulling him close, nice, comforting words whispered softly to him, and the love and concern on each of their faces as they held him close.

Patton's arms flung around all three of them as he cried into someone's chest. He wasn't sure who it was, but somehow he knew they didn't mind. Someone's hand was moving through his hair, pushing it out of his face, and someone's lips were on his forehead, and he was being led somewhere. He didn't know where until they were all sitting on the couch, all of them still holding Patton close.

They cared. They cared and Patton wasn't sure why he ever thought they might not. They loved him, and he loved them, and he felt awful today but he had them and everything would be better eventually. They were there for him, and he would be okay.

I feel like I'm nothing but a burden to anyone rn so I'm not gonna talk much here, but I am sorry that I'm not gonna be updating much. I'll try my best to write as often as possible, I just don't think I'll be up to doing as often as I normally would. And some days when I'm up to writing I may not upload a oneshot, cause I do still have Robot to work on and I don't wanna abandon it rn.. so sorry.

Anyways, thanks for reading this. Hope it was okay. Sorry again to everyone. *you open a box and along with the sweater/other Kerch for your favorite sanders sides a gazillion ring pops are inside*

 *you open a box and along with the sweater/other Kerch for your favorite sanders sides a gazillion ring pops are inside*

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Must be a pretty big box. Thanks for the suggestion. Take care of yourselves. I love you, please stay alive friends. Bye-Bob

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