(Prince x Morality)

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Okay, so... I'm only going to be using ones that I actually think I can write something decent for, but please feel free to leave any short requests for me. Nothing super long and complicated please, and please remember that I will not write smut, anything to do with depression/suicide, abuse, and I personally don't want to write about any ships including Thomas or Deceit(nothing against those ships tho). I can't promise I'll get them all done, but I'll try to do some of them. Please don't leave a request if this book has been updated again-once I write another oneshot I will not accept any more.

"Roman," Patton muttered for the tenth time, poking the royals cheek. "Hey. It's time to wake up now."

Roman groaned, pulling his blankets up closer and turning so his back was to Patton. He kept his eyes closed, hoping if he ignored his boyfriend long enough he might let him sleep in longer. Unfortunately for him Patton was undeterred, simply scooting closer to him on the bed to poke him again.

"Roman, come on!" He whined, leaning over his boyfriend and laying on top of him. Roman huffed in annoyance, shifting to get comfortable under the added weight of his boyfriend.

"No," he mumbled quietly. His voice was deeper than usual as this was the first thing he had said that day. "Too early."

"But it's noon!" Patton laughed, continuing to poke his cheeks in an attempt to get him up and out of bed. "C'mon Roman, there's breakfast in the kitchen for you. Don't you want to go eat?"

"I'd rather stay asleep for another hour or two." The dramatic one insisted, barely opening his eyes to peek up at his boyfriend. "Patton, my love, how are you not still tired?"

"It's the middle of the day Roman, that's how!" Patton laughed again, shaking his head. "If you don't get out of bed on your own, I'm going to carry you downstairs."

"Carry me?" Roman raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "Forgive me dear, but I don't think you would be able to."

Patton just grinned, holding up one of his hands. "You've got five seconds to get out of bed on your own." He said, beginning to count down. Roman made no move to get out of bed, crossing his arms smugly as he stared up at Patton, waiting for him to finish.

Patton finished counting, still grinning as he shook his head disappointedly. "Are you sure you don't wanna get up on your own?"

"Positive. I am certain that you won't be able to lift me out of this-" Roman cut himself off with a yelp, Patton putting his hands under his knees and back and swiftly pulling him into the air. Romans hands quickly found their way around Patton's shoulders, steadying himself. He looked from Patton's smiling face to the bed he had previously been laying on, and then back again. "What-how did you-"

"Y'know, it's kind of unfair of you to assume you're the only strong one." He giggled, and Roman huffed, pouting.

"Okay, fine." He mumbled, leaning into his boyfriend defeatedly. "That was kind of an unfair assumption. I still don't see why we can't just stay in bed today."

"Because," Patton began, leaning down to kiss his pouting boyfriend's nose. He had to stifle a laugh at the way Roman's cheeks turned pink and he almost smiled for a second. "If you just stay in bed and sleep all day then we won't be able to go on this super amazing and romantic date I planned for you today."

"You..." Roman paused, voice soft and cheeks burning brighter. "You planned a date for us today? Then why didn't you just say so?"

"Well it was supposed to be a big surprise," he shrugged. "But that didn't really work out since you didn't want to cooperate."

"Sorry for ruining the surprise then," Roman frowned, feeling guilty. Patton, noticing this, immediately leaned down to cover Roman's face with kisses.

"You didn't ruin anything," he spoke between kissing his cheeks, then nose, then forehead. When his lips finally found Roman's he stayed there for longer, Roman returning the kiss happily. "The only way this could possibly be ruined is if you don't have fun."

"Then this couldn't possibly be ruined, because any time I spend with you is the best." Roman mumbled back, kissing him again. "I love you."

"I love you too, Roman."

So I know this is short and also that I've been really bad about updating but honestly since I've gotten back from Florida all I've wanted to do is sit around and watch buzzfeed unsolved. So, sorry. But I am done with school now so I should definitely have more tome to work on things! And also more time to procrastinate said things..... we'll see if I get more done or not.

But yeah uh please give me requests cause I wanna update more in this book but I have more ideas for my other books than I do oneshots rn so... i need some ideas lol. I feel kinda bad for having so many things I won't write, but I honestly don't feel comfortable writing for them. Well, maybe not about the ships with Thomas and deceit-those are just bc I don't know how to write Deceits character and also I know it sounds silly cause the sides are just thomas but I don't like to write about real people? So like I'll write the sides cause they're just characters but he's an actual person so idk I just don't like to? But I'll still read it for some reason, who knows-anyways.

I'm going to get off of here now, cause I feel sick so I kinda just wanna lay down for a bit before I start writing again. But just leave a comment if you've got a request and I'll try to do as many of them as I can. Just please understand if I can't do yours for some reason.

Thanks for reading this, hope you liked this short oneshot. *

* okay I also wanna real quick just say thanks to Paradox-Puzzler for leaving ring pop suggestions every time I don't have any more, like seriously they've given me so many, thank you so much!!! They're all super creative and I appreciate it

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* okay I also wanna real quick just say thanks to Paradox-Puzzler for leaving ring pop suggestions every time I don't have any more, like seriously they've given me so many, thank you so much!!! They're all super creative and I appreciate it. ^•^ Take care of yourselves. Love you guys. Bye!-Bob

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