Books and Blankets (Logic x Morality)

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Au? Not much difference tho lol. Also the titles bad I know I didn't know what else to call it

Logan's head was stuck in a book when Patton found him, smile settling on his lips. He didn't say anything for a moment, but couldn't help but notice something off about Logan's appearance. "Where are your glasses?"

Patton's voice cut through the long silent room, making Logan jump. He looked up at Patton, confused as to why he was blurry. When his words had finally registered to Logan, he frowned.

"Oh. I hadn't noticed they were off..." He blinked, thinking back. "No wait, I remember. They slipped off my face and I was too interested in what I was reading to put them back on. I must have forgotten they had fallen... That was a few chapters ago."

Patton grinned at the thoughtful look he had, and couldn't help but think it was the most adorable thing he had ever seen. Everything about his husband was, though, at least to him. "Do you mind if I cuddle with you while you read?"

"Not at all," Logan returned Patton's fond smile, making room on the couch for him. Patton held up a finger, silently telling him to wait a moment and running off. He returned moments later with blankets, as well as Logan's reading light. It was a small light, made to clip onto the top of the book and shine down on the page. Logan was confused when it was handed to him, but Patton seemed to notice this and explained.

"Well, since we're gonna cuddle I didn't think either of us would really want to move later on, since it's getting late. I was gonna turn the lights off and cover us both up in blankets, so neither of us had to get up later!" He told Logan his plan, and the more logical man nodded.

"That makes sense. Good idea, love." He smiled, and Patton gave him another wide grin in response. Logan clipped the reading light to his book as Patton flipped the lights out, bouncing back over to him and sitting down. He immediately curled into Logan's side, Logan wrapping one arm around his shoulders as Patton wrapped his around Logan's waist. The more bubbly of the two hid his face in Logan's chest, sighing contentedly.

Logan smiled as well, pressing a kiss to the top of Patton's forehead. "I love you." He mumbled quietly, and Patton hummed back.

"Love you too, Logan." He replied, eyes sliding closed. The room fell silent, the both of them just enjoying the others presence. The only sound that filled the room was the turning of pages as Logan read on and the sound of Patton's breathing, evening out as he slowly drifted off in his husbands arms. Logan kissed the top of his head again once he had finished the final chapter of his book, holding him even closer to himself and shifting so that he was laying down, Patton curled on top of him.

His own eyes closed soon, still listening to the peaceful sound of Patton's steady breathing, sleep soon claiming him as well.

I got this idea basically bc my glasses kept falling off while I read Harry Potter (it happens every time I read) so I just left them off and started thinking and this happened.

I also have got a random question. If you were the child of a ship, what ship would it be and why? ...what ship do you think I'd be the child of?

I do need to sleep now as, unfortunately, humans have to do that and I've got to be up by 9. My dad, sister and I gonna take George to the vet to get a shot, and then go out to the movies! Which should be fun, I love going to the movies. (I still really want movie theatre popcorn for some reason lol)

Oh yeah I also finally came up with an answer for the question of what my ideal first date would be like. (That I'm pretty sure was in one of the tags I did recently) We'd go to mayberries and get ice cream, cause mayberries is amazing, or the movies. Both of which are my favorite places to go. (Well, maybe I'd actually pick one of those and then also pick their favorite place. That would be super nice, wouldn't it? I wanna write a oneshot about a ships first date ahaksk)

Anyway, thanks for reading hope you enjoyed this. *you're at a wrestling match and John Cena walks into the ring, body slams a giant ring pop bag, ring pops flying everywhere for everyone*

 *you're at a wrestling match and John Cena walks into the ring, body slams a giant ring pop bag, ring pops flying everywhere for everyone*

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Once again, incredibly creative! Haha, that was amazing. Take care of yourselves guys. 💜💜💜 Bye!-Bob

*says I'm gonna sleep*
*finishes writing this and immediately opens Harry Potter to read one more chapter*

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