Adventures In The Rain (Prince x Anxiety)

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I literally started this like, two months ago I'm so so so sorry I've been terrible at updating. I swear I'll try harder.

I also really really hate how awful this oneshot is but I hope you accept it anyways I'll get better ones done later I swear-

Virgil reached up under his hood to adjust his headphones that he wore around his neck, eyes darting around the quiet park he sat in. There weren't many people around, which made sense because of the rain that was falling. Not that Virgil understood.

The rain was beautiful, and he didn't understand why more people couldn't see that. The sound of rain hitting rooftops, or roads, or splashing into a puddle and making it even bigger, watching it as it hit the roof of a building, only to drip down over the side and onto the ground. It was just so nice and peaceful, and Virgil loved it.

The rain made people watching a bit more interesting too. Some people had umbrellas, which Virgil found boring. What was so bad about getting hit by a little rain? Others decided to run from one cover to another, which just made him laugh. Running was sure to get more rain on you, which was the exact opposite of what they wanted.

Then there were people more like him. Those that simply walked through the falling rain, even stopped to look up at the dark clouds above, not minding as more rain landed on their skin. Those people understood. Rain wasn't bad at all.

Virgil looked up to the sky himself as he thought. His eyes scanned over the grey rainclouds, catching a glimpse of the sun hidden behind them. He closed his eyes, leaning back on the bench and letting the rain hit his face, being sure his headphones stayed under his hoodie away from the rain. He sat that way for a while, listening to and feeling the rain, feeling completely at ease.

At some point Virgil realized there were no more droplets of water falling onto his face. He wondered for a moment if the rain might have stopped, but then he noticed the sound of it hitting an umbrella. Opening his eyes he looked straight above him, a red umbrella with a golden outline blocking his view of the clouds above him. He followed the handle of the umbrella down to a hand, following the hand up to an arm, and then up to a face.

"Aren't you cold?" The man holding the umbrella laughed, Virgil watching him carefully. He had a nice smile, he noted. Virgil shrugged in response to his question.

"I like the rain." He mumbled, feeling his cheeks heat up slightly. He wasn't expecting to have a conversation with anyone while he was there-and certainly not with a stranger as handsome as the man before him.

"Why?" The stranger frowned, gesturing to the bench beside of Virgil. Virgil moved over slightly to make room for him, the stranger sitting beside of him and still holding the umbrella above his head. "What do you like about the rain?"

"Well... everything," Virgil answered simply, shrugging again. He was still unsure as to why this stranger approached him, but saw no harm in answering his questions. "I mean... it's calming. For me anyways. It makes me feel relaxed when I sit out here."

"I suppose I can see it being somewhat relaxing," the stranger agreed after a moment, pausing to listen. He looked back over at Virgil after another minute had passed, smiling. "My name's Roman, by the way. I hope I'm not bothering you, but I saw you sitting here and just wanted to talk to you."

"Virgil," Virgil introduced himself as well, shooting Roman a tiny, hopefully reassuring smile. "It's alright. You're not bothering me. It's not like I was doing anything important."

"You looked very peaceful, though." Roman mentioned, watching Virgil as he laid back to stare up at the sky again, around the umbrella this time. "I was worried about disturbing you. I am glad I didn't bother you, though. I didn't want to pass up on the opportunity of speaking with such a handsome stranger."

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