Accidental Break-In Part 2 (Prince x Anxiety)

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This might be really boring but I just had a really good time writing them going back and forth flirting and messing with each other okay lmao I hope it's somewhat cute and funny
It's also kinda weird I guess but I'm gonna stop talking about what all I think is wrong with it and let you all decide what you think of it-

The third time that the superhero landed himself in Virgil's apartment was not an accident. He had just finished saving the day once again, and after realizing that there was still a lot of time left in the day he decided to pay his new friend a visit. He had nothing better to do, and even though he had no idea what Virgil would think of him showing up again he wanted to see him.

Despite not needing to this time Roman still decided to enter through Virgil's kitchen window, sliding it open and pulling himself through. He was a lot more graceful this time-the first two times were just practice. He pulled himself inside, sliding his feet over first and standing instead of falling. Virgil was in the next room over on the couch, and didn't bother looking up from his phone as he spoke. "Again, Princey?"

"Princey?" Roman's face scrunched up as he thought about the name, making his way over to sit beside of Virgil on the couch. He winced as he touched the back of the couch; his wound hadn't healed up completely, and still hurt to touch.

"Yeah, Princey. I had to have something to call you, and I thought everyone called you that anyways." Virgil shrugged, finally setting his phone down and looking up at the superhero.

"I am fairly certain they just call me Prince. Not Princey." Roman argued, and Virgil shrugged again.

"Gotta be different from everyone else somehow. So, why are you here this time?" He raised an eyebrow. "Hiding? Did someone stab you again?"

"No! That was a one time thing. I am good at my job, so I am very careful to not be injured." Roman insisted. "I simply... wanted to say hi."

"Someone who's really good at their job wouldn't have let it happen once.." Virgil mumbled, and quickly spoke over Roman's objections. "What do you mean you just wanted to say hi? Don't you have more kittens to save from trees or something?"

"What I do is much more serious than that!" Roman pouted, and Virgil snickered. "It is!"

"Whatever you say, Princey." Virgil grinned, and Roman crossed his arms. Standing up, he started making his way back towards the window.

"Fine, since you so obviously don't want to see me I guess I'll just leave then. I'm sure I have plenty of other adoring fans who would love for me to come in through their apartment window to hang out with them."

"Cause that's not creepy at all," Virgil laughed, watching as Roman turned back to glare at him. He shook his head at him, patting the spot next to him again. "Fine, fine, I'll stop teasing you. Come back."

Roman grinned again, walking back over to sit down next to Virgil. Virgil glanced towards Roman's back as he sat down, wondering if it had gotten any better in the last week since he had seen him. He pointed at it after Roman sat down, looking back to his face. "How's your back? Any better?"

"Not... really.." Roman winced, thinking about all the times he had reopened the wound while fighting. He had fallen on it again today, and hadn't checked it yet although he thought it would be fine.

"Dude... have you still been running around with your back hurt like that?" Virgil asked, frowning. "That's not very smart."

"I don't have much of a choice," Roman shrugged, watching Virgil curiously. He couldn't help but wonder why he cared so much; the two of them had only met three times, and he didn't even know Roman's true identity. "Who else is going to go out there and stop the bad guys?"

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