Up Late (Morality x Anxiety)

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I'm really sorry for not being able to complete the rest of the Christmas requests. I've been busy with moving, and my mental health isn't awesome at the moment so I'm having a hard time getting any writing done. I am going to try my best to upload more often, and to go back onto a schedule for Tally Marks, and hopefully I will also get a new chapter for Haunted High School done soon as well. I am trying my hardest, so please, do not leave comments asking me for more chapters. I am trying. Please be patient. Thanks.

The sound of soft footsteps passing by Patton's bedroom down the hallway woke him from his light sleep, rubbing his eyes tiredly. He squinted over at the clock on his bedside table, reading the numbers that told him it was still far too early for anyone to be waking up. He frowned, listening closely to see if maybe he had simply imagined the sound. A few moments later he heard a noise that sounded as though it were coming from the kitchen, confirming that someone was definitely awake.

Patton sighed, patting around on the table until his fingers curled around his glasses, slipping them on and pushing the covers back at the same time. His feet landed on the cold hardwood floor, shivering a little as he continued towards his room door. It squeaked loudly as it was opened, and Patton noticed that as it did the noise in the kitchen paused briefly. He continued down the hall towards the kitchen, hands sliding up and down his bare arms in an attempt to warm himself up, hoping to be back in his bed and under his warm covers again soon enough.

Stepping into the kitchen he was certainly not surprised at who he found, perched atop the counter with a sandwich in hand. Patton noticed the black eyeshadow under his eyes was bigger and darker than usual, causing him to worry about him a little more.

"What are-" Patton paused for a moment to yawn, stopping now in front of Virgil. "What are you doing up, Virge? I thought you were tired."

"I am," He mumbled in response, taking a bite of his sandwich in the hopes of putting off explaining himself. Patton just waited patiently for him to answer his question, making it clear he wasn't getting out of it. "I'm fine. Just having trouble sleeping, is all."

"How come?" Patton pressed, and Virgil sighed softly, looking at the ground.

"Partly cause of this." He said, rolling his shoulder back and fighting a grimace. He had hurt his shoulder a few days ago, and it had been causing him trouble since. Although it was only a small reason for his lack of sleep the last few nights it was still bothering him. "And cause... I can't stop... thinking."

Patton reached out comfortingly to put a hand on Virgil's knee, looking up at him with a frown. They sat in silence for a little while, Virgil finishing his sandwich more to distract himself now than because he was hungry. A few moments after he did Patton was gesturing for him to come down, stepping back to give him room. Virgil slid off the counter and onto the floor again, almost immediately being taken by the hand by Patton, who was pulling him away from the kitchen.

"What are we doing?" He asked, following behind him.

"You need some sleep." He replied, and Virgil just sighed, expecting to be taken back to his room. He didn't really feel like going back to be alone again, just to try for hours and once again fail to sleep tonight. However, instead of continuing on down the hallway to his bedroom, they stopped right outside of Patton's. He was led inside, and then his hand was let go of. Patton didn't say anything as he climbed back into his bed, instead choosing to pat the spot beside of him. Virgil got the hint, sitting down on the very edge of the bed.

His back was facing Patton's, and he was going to turn to him but was stopped by two hands touching his shoulders softly. He jumped a little, turning his head back to look at him. Patton smiled softly. "Would you like for me to try and help with your shoulder? If it hurts or anything you can just tell me to stop."

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