Falling (Prince x Anxiety & Logic x Morality)

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Prompt. There are two separate oneshots for this. The first one was just too short, and I wanted to use the same prompt for the other ship too.

Roman and Virgil sat in silence, arms wrapped tightly around each other and content smiles on their faces as they watched Disney movies, leaning into each other comfortably. At some point Roman looked down at Virgil, smiling wider. He looked so perfect, and he couldn't help but be distracted by him.

Virgil caught him staring, also turning away from the movie to look up at his boyfriend. "What are you doing?"

"Thinking." Roman grinned, and Virgil rose an eyebrow at him.

"Thinking about what?" He wondered. Roman put a hand gently on his cheek, leaning in close to his face.

"Thinking about how much I love you, and how I want to kiss you until I can't breathe," he mumbled, and Virgil grinned back at him, shaking his head.

"I love you too, moron," he said, pulling Roman down into a kiss. Roman pulled Virgil even closer to him as they kissed, movie soon forgotten along with the rest of the world.

As the kiss grew more and more heated, Roman shifted to be on top of Virgil. Making a wrong move, Roman's arm slipped, and somehow he ended up rolling over the side of the couch and into the floor. Roman cried out, surprised to be suddenly on the ground, and groaned as he realized what had happened.

On the couch, Virgil stared up at where Roman had been only moments ago, glancing down to find him now in the floor. He tried to stifle a laugh as he realized what had happened, failing and falling into a fit of laughter. He continued to laugh even as Roman protested, playfully punching him and telling him to stop.

"I didn't mean to!" Roman cried, sighing in exasperation as Virgil continued to laugh at him. Virgil shook his head at his boyfriend, pulling him back up on the couch and sighing.

"You really are a moron," he snickered, Roman pouting at him. "But you're my moron, so I guess I'm stuck with you."

"Please," Roman laughed with him. "You love me and you know it."

"Yeah, yeah. Just get back up here and kiss me again," Virgil muttered. Roman grinned once again, getting up off the floor to join his boyfriend on the couch again.

"Love you," Roman mumbled against his lips.

"Love you too."


Logan was sitting on the couch, book in hand as he read in the quiet room. His boyfriend, Patton, was laying across the couch with his head in Logan's lap. He wasn't paying him any attention at first, as it wasn't unusual for the two to sit together in peaceful silence. However at the end of the chapter he was reading he happened to lower his book, seeing Patton and freezing suddenly.

He was adorable, Logan thought. He set his book aside, looking down at the bubbly man who hadn't yet noticed Logan staring, his eyes closed as he lie there. Logan wondered for a moment if he was sleeping, but then his eyes fluttered open and he gave Logan a wide, wonderful smile. Logan felt his heart figuratively melting in his chest, and he offered a small smile of his own back to Patton.

"Hi." Patton laughed, leaning up to kiss his cheek. Logan smiled wider, still no where near as big and bright as Patton's grin, but still genuine and happy.

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