Books and Tea (Anxiety x Logic)

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Virgil sighed, shutting off his phone and tossing it to the side on his bed. He had been on it for hours, and it was no longer entertaining him. He sat in silence for a minute, boredom eating away at him. It took him a while before he finally thought of something to do, dragging himself up out of bed and making his way out of the room.

He walked down the hall, nearly at the end of it when he turned and entered a small room. The walls of the room were covered in shelves with books, going all the way up to the ceiling, with a stepladder to reach the ones high up. The only corner not covered in books had a small counter top, where you could make yourself some coffee or tea while you read. In the middle of the room was a couch, a blanket draped over the back of it for anyone who wanted it. The room was always very peaceful and quiet, and although Logan was the only one usually there all four of them used it at times.

Virgil smiled to himself, stepping up to one of the shelves and looking over the titles of books, trying to spot one that looked interesting. He walked along one of the walls as he scanned over them all, jumping when a sudden voice rang out.

"Are you searching for something specific?" Logan questioned, Virgil whirling around to face him with his hand over his heart.

"Holy shit, Logan! Can you not do that, please?" Virgil hissed, leaning against one of the shelves behind him as he tried to calm himself.

"Apologies. I assumed you had heard me enter." Logan frowned. "Are you, though? If you are I may be able to help, I have read a lot of the books in here."

"No, I'm just... looking around. I'm bored, and this sounded like a good idea." He shrugged. "What are you doing in here?"

"Obviously, searching for a new book for myself." Logan held up a book he had already read, stepping away from Virgil to return it to the place he had taken it from. "Did you plan on sitting in here to read?"

Virgil shrugged again, going back to looking. "Not if you don't want me here. I'll just go back to my room."

"Did I say I don't want you here?" Logan raised an eyebrow, and Virgil frowned.

"Well, no, but-"

"Then you can stay here if you want. I... would not mind someone to sit and read with, as long as you are okay with that." Logan stepped up beside Virgil, pulling out a book and handing it to him. "This is a good book, if you are interested."

"Thanks," Virgil mumbled, taking it from him and scanning over the title. He flipped it around to read the description on the back, deciding it sounded alright and moving to place it on the table beside the couch. "I was planning on making some tea, you want any?"

"That sounds pleasant, thank you." Logan didn't look up from one of the books he had taken off the shelf, Virgil nodding as he made his way to the corner of the room to start making it.

After Logan had picked out his book Virgil made his way over to the couch with two drinks in hand, setting one on the table in Logan's side of the couch and carrying his over to the other. He sat down, grabbing his book and opening it up as he took a sip of his drink, Logan mirroring his actions unintentionally.

The two had been reading for a while when Logan felt something heavy rest on his shoulder. Glancing down he found Virgil leaning against him, still reading his book. Logan let a small smile show, sliding an arm around Virgil's shoulders before turning back to his own book. Virgil sighed, feeling content as he let himself get lost in the pages of his book.

I'm so bad at talking to people I'm sorry friends

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I'm so bad at talking to people I'm sorry friends

Oh also
I made an account for one of the sides but I'm not gonna tell you which one or what my name is

You'll never find me (if you actually tried you'd probably find me very easily lmao. Plus if you know me well you'd probably guess which side I chose too, oh well)

Actually, the reason I'm not telling you the name of the account is cause like... I actually feel less awkward if people don't know who I am, but on here I think everyone pretty much knows me exactly..... so..... yeah. Not that I'd care if someone actually did find out what account was mine lmao I'd probably find it funny.

Anyways, I thought this oneshot was adorable and I hope you guys liked it. Thanks for reading. *your favorite animal comes up to you with a bottomless basket of ring pops*

Take care of yourselves!! Also, I'm nearly finished with all my requests from before, yay! I just have two more, a logicality one that may take a while cause I'm not sure how to write it, and a part two to the oneshot Purring

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Take care of yourselves!! Also, I'm nearly finished with all my requests from before, yay! I just have two more, a logicality one that may take a while cause I'm not sure how to write it, and a part two to the oneshot Purring. Plus I still have three different prinxiety drafts so....... actually I still have a lot left wow okay. Oops. Anyways, love ya guys. Bye!-Bob

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