You're Not Virgil (Prince x Morality)

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This is from a prompt, also dunno if this needs a warning but there's a kinda suggestive line in there, so...

Patton was walking home one day, looking around as he went. He stopped to examine flowers, to pet cute dogs, and sent smiles to everyone he see who seemed to need it. Sure, this meant it would take him longer to get home and had his best friend Virgil been with him he would have complained the entire way, but Patton found it nice. He saw lots of things most people would pay no attention to, and he considered himself lucky.

As the thought of his best friend crossed his mind something caught his attention. Or rather, someone caught his attention. Someone with dark purple hair, walking down the same street as he was. It just have been Virgil-how many other people that lived nearby had purple hair like that?

Grinning, Patton picked up his pace to catch up with his friend. He had to duck (quack-ha! I said it before anyone else could! Fuck you guys!) (I'm joking I love you all) out of a few peoples way, muttering quick apologies as he tried to get close to Virgil. As soon as he got close enough Patton's grin grew, and he jumped onto his back.

Had this purple-haired man really been his friend Virgil, he probably would have known immediately that it was Patton and not freak out. Virgil had gotten used to Patton's antics, and nearly always managed to hold them both up. However, this man was definitely not Virgil, so he let out a loud yelp and crashed to the ground. "What the-"

"Oh, sorry for knocking you ov-you're not Virgil." Patton's eyes went wide, blush creeping onto his cheeks. For a moment he was at a loss for what to say, feeling embarrassed and terrified of how he would react. Would he be mad at Patton? He had every right to be, Patton had basically just tackled a stranger to the ground. "I-I... I am so sorry, I didn't-"

He was cut off by something completely unexpected. The man, still underneath him although he had turned around at some point as they fell, Patton noticed, feeling his face heat up even more, simply started to laugh. He laughed very loud, grinning up at Patton who let out a few nervous giggles of his own. When the man finally got his laughter under control he still smiled up at Patton, shaking his head. "Well, that was certainly unexpected. Are you alright?"

"Am I alright? I'm not the one who got knocked over by a stranger!" Patton gaped, wondering how this man could possibly be worried about him right now.

"Yes, well, speaking of... while I am not typically against having an incredibly handsome man above me, would you mind getting up? The concrete ground isn't the most comfortable of places to lay." He asked, and Patton immediately got to his feet with an even darker blush, offering a hand down to help the other up.

"Sorry!" He said quickly, looking to the side to avoid meeting the mans eyes. He simply shrugged, smiling at Patton.

"It's no big deal. Now, do you normally go around tackling strangers, or did you think I was something else?" He raised an eyebrow, and Patton couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, I actually thought you were my friend Virgil! You both have purple hair, so that's why I assumed it was him... your hair is super cool, by the way!" Patton rushed out, smiling back at the other as he messed with the sleeves of the cardigan wrapped around him.

"That makes a little more sense. No, I am not your friend Virgil. My name is Roman, and yours is..?" He prompted, raising a brow.

"I'm Patton!" He rushed, grinning nervously and pulling the cardigan closer around himself. "It's nice to meet you, Roman. Sorry we met by me knocking you over. Thanks for being super nice about it, though!"

"Well it is certainly a memorable first meeting, isn't it?" He chuckled. "I would also hope that it wasn't our last? It is up to you, of course, but you seem very nice and I would love to see you again."

"Oh!" Just when his blush had faded away the color came rushing back to his cheeks. "Uh... yeah! I'd love to see you again too." He muttered, smiling sheepishly. As he and Roman talked a little more and exchanged numbers, Patton thought about how he should thank Virgil later for accidentally causing him to get the number of an insanely handsome stranger.

This idea came from the second prompt on there-if any of you see a prompt on that that you'd like to see for a certain ship, let me know

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This idea came from the second prompt on there-if any of you see a prompt on that that you'd like to see for a certain ship, let me know. (Though I am already planning to write a logince one for "we both like waking in the park at night and I think you're a stalker so I accidentally attack you and give you a black eye sorry") (...actually I think I'm gonna do a few of these, so go ahead and request them but I may not do yours if I already plan to do it with a different ship, sorry)

Anyways, I'm gonna write at least one more before attempting to sleep. We'll see if that works out-I haven't been able to fall asleep before 5 in a while now. It stinks. I will try tho, but for now I hope you liked this.

Also-I swear if our internet doesn't start fucking working again I might stab someone. Im going insane

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this one. *all your thoughts wash away as you realize you're in a ring pop forest*

 *all your thoughts wash away as you realize you're in a ring pop forest*

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Thank you for the suggestion! Take care of yourselves. You're all awesome, and important, and wanted, and you deserve the best. I love you all so much. Bye!-Bob

(I also haven't been talking as much here-I'm sure no ones noticed or cared and actually some of you are probably glad lmao, but for anyone worried I'm fine. Just been kinda sad and really really tired. I almost didn't wanna write tonight cause I just wanted to try and get more sleep lmao, but I'm too awake now so, might as well work)

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