Airport (Logic x Prince)

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Logan sighed, rubbing at his tired eyes under his glasses as he made his way off of his plane. He had just returned home from a trip, and he was looking forward to getting home to sleep. Spending time with his boyfriend was another reason, but mainly to get some sleep.

His boyfriend, Roman, was actually the one who was picking him up from the airport. He couldn't wait to see him. It hadn't really been that long since he left, but it felt like forever. Logan had missed him.

This made Logan move a little faster in getting off the plane, wanting to find him quickly. He was positive Roman would probably have something planned to surprise him. He always used grand and unnecessary gestures to show his love for Logan. Although Logan typically acted as though he were annoyed with these ridiculous displays of affection, he actually did not mind it at all. In fact, he loved it, because it was Roman, and he loved Roman.

A small smile grew on his face as he thought about him, sighing happily as he realized he would find him soon. First, he had to get through the crowd of other people waiting for their loved ones to get off the plane. However, when a certain sign in the distance caught his attention Logan knew he would not have to search long. The sign, although it did not say his name exactly, was almost definitely made for him. It just had Roman written all over it. The sign was huge, emblazoned with the bedazzled word 'nerd'.

Shaking his head, Logan made his way over to where he saw it, completely unsurprised to find Roman holding it. He grinned at Logan when he saw him, Logan hurrying it over and snatching the sign from him so he would stop showing it off to everyone.

"You are ridiculous." Was the only thing he said to Roman, huffing. Roman's grin only grew, and he quickly wrapped Logan in a hug.

"You know you love me." He chuckled as he held Logan, pressing a kiss to his cheek. Logan rolled his eyes.

"Yes, although the reason why is still a mystery to me." He but back a smile as Roman sounded offended, putting a hand over his heart dramatically.

"Who wouldn't love me?" He questioned, Logan unable to keep the smirk off his face.

"Anyone in their right mind." He laughed, pulling Roman down to give him an actual kiss. Roman happily returned it, wrapping his arms around Logan's waist and pulling him close.

"If I'm being honest, I was expecting something a lot more grand and romantic to welcome me home." Logan told Roman. "It's not like you to not take the chance to do something big."

"Oh, we'll definitely do something when we get home." Roman winked, pecking his lips again. Then he paused, looking at Logan with a soft smile. "Unless you just want to go home and get some rest, which is fine as well. I'm sure you need it."

"You are aware that there are people around who can hear us talking?" Logan asked, though he didn't seem to really care. "I was planning on sleeping once we returned home, but I think I've changed my mind."

Roman grinned, taking Logan's luggage from him. "I think we should hurry home then. Would you mind carrying the sign I made you, my brilliant nerd?"

"I still can't believe you made this." Logan sighed in exasperation. Roman laughed again.

"It helped you find me, didn't it, nerd?"

This also probably would've worked for analogical honestly but I really really wanted to write longince idk why

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This also probably would've worked for analogical honestly but I really really wanted to write longince idk why. Maybe I'm getting out of analogical???????

Nah definitely not. It's just that I'm writing another book full of analogical so I haven't written it here as much. Y'know what's funny? I used to really dislike longince. It didn't make any sense to me. I couldn't even see them as really friends. But it's actually pretty great honestly. This and royality are like, my current favorites (obviously under analogical tho)

Anyways. I'm tired, so. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it. *

* thanks for the suggestion

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* thanks for the suggestion. Take care of yourselves. Love you guys. Bye-Bob

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