Tangled Lights (Prince x Anxiety)

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Requested. This is part 190 holy shit I'm gonna need a new book soon-

Roman normally would have loved decorating for Christmas. Getting the entire mind to look festive, getting into the mood for Christmas, and singing Christmas songs as loud as he could(an annoyance to Logan and Virgil, although Patton would often happily join in), those were his favorite things to do! Usually he couldn't wait to finally decorate for Christmas, but today he found himself dreading it.

It had nothing to do with not being excited for Christmas, of course. Roman loved the holidays! The only reason he was feeling so nervous about leaving his room to decorate was that another specific side would be there, as they were all going to help decorating the tree. This specific side was Virgil.

Roman and Virgil had been getting along amazingly recently. They still fought plenty, but it was never serious anymore. In fact, Roman had noticed, the fighting had become more flirting than anything, at least on his end. It had only struck him the night before that he had even been doing it, barely noticing the feelings for his fellow side that seemed to creep up on him out of nowhere.

It was because of his realization that he was feeling apprehensive about seeing the other, fearing that his nerves may get the best of him and he may say or do something stupid. The two had taken so long to get to where they were, simply being friends. Roman really didn't want to ruin all of that with him now, simply because of a crush.

For most of the day filled with decorating, he did manage to avoid him. Not entirely, and Roman felt that the few interactions they did have that day were painfully awkward. He couldn't stop his cheeks from burning a bright red, heart picking up speed in his chest, and he barely managed to get out a clever retort to Virgil's teasing without stuttering. He was positive that Virgil had noticed his awkwardness as well, only making his embarrassment worse.

Eventually they had to decorate the Christmas tree, something that the four of them always did together. That meant he would no longer be able to avoid Virgil by working on decorating something in a different area of the mind, because they would have to be together. He tried to tell himself that it would be fine, that he just had to act normal and he could keep this up. It didn't really help.

Roman helped Logan first to get the fake Christmas tree out of its box, helping to put the pieces of it together. Patton and Virgil stood behind them, waiting for them to finish that so that they could help to sort out the branches of it and then start putting ornaments on. Roman glanced over at the two after he heard Patton laugh softly, whispering something to Virgil who's face turned a dark red. He seemed to have been watching Roman, but he turned away quickly when Roman looked back at them. He wondered briefly what they were talking about, but distracted himself quickly with getting the tree up. He needed to stop focusing so much on Virgil, or he was going to be way too obvious.

Soon enough the tree was put together, and Logan decided to plug in the lights on the tree to be sure they were still working. When he plugged them in they seemed to work for a moment, before most of them flickered and turned off.

"Do we have anymore lights?" Patton asked, frowning and looking over at Logan and Roman.

"I think I know where some are. I'll be right back." Roman said, starting off to go and get them. As he started walking off Patton nudged Virgil, who sent him an annoyed look before he quickly followed after him.

"I'll come help," he offered, and Roman really didn't have any reason he could say no. He tried to tell himself again that he would be fine, that they were just going to look for some working Christmas lights and then they'd be right back to helping Logan and Patton with the rest of the ornaments for the tree.

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