(Logic x Prince)

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Logan couldn't sleep.

His mind was racing, constantly thinking of something. At times like this he wished it was possible to simply shut down, to turn off his mind and get the rest he needed. Unfortunately, that was not how things worked. Instead of laying in bed and continuing to let his mind wander Logan decided to walk around or a while. He thought that maybe after walking around he would be tired enough to ignore his thoughts and drift off.

He was surprised to find someone else out of their room when he ventured into the kitchen. At first he thought the royal pain was simply resting his head on the table. When he heard the quiet snoring coming from Roman he knew the other was asleep, and must have been too tired to return to his own room.

Logan considered waking him in a rude way. The two argued often, and Logan thought it might be good payback seeing as the royal infuriated him most of the time. Then, as he drew nearer and looked down at Roman's peaceful face, he knew he wouldn't do something like that. For some reason, looking down at him, Logan let a small smile grace his lips.

Shaking his head, Logan sighed and very carefully wrapped his arms around Roman. He lifted him up, being very careful in fear of waking him. He gasped suddenly, heart seemingly skipping a beat as Roman curled into him. His arms wrapped around Logan's waist, hugging him close and sighing loudly, seeming happy to be in the logical traits arms.

Logan's cheeks burned, and he stood completely still for a moment. When he realized that he should probably be taking Roman to bed he broke out of his random trance, letting out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding. He slowly and carefully maneuvered his way to Roman's bedroom, somehow getting the door opened and moving over to the bed.

He very gently placed Roman down, once again not moving as he realized Roman had not let go of his waist. His heart was pounding in his chest, confusing him and making it difficult to focus on how to get out of this predicament. Eventually he realized that he had frozen up again, shaking his head at himself. He carefully took Roman's arms, moving them away from his waist and freeing himself.

Sighing in relief, Logan glanced down at the usually annoying side laying peacefully asleep in front of him. He noticed his still very loud heartbeat not improving as Roman moved his hands around to find Logan again, Logan shaking his head and handing him one of the many pillows adorning his bed. Roman seemed content after that, and Logan decided his venture outside of his room was over for the night.

For reasons he himself was unsure about Logan leaned down to press a small kiss to the top of Roman's head, smiling slightly to himself as he made his way back to his room. As he lay down it became apparent that he wasn't going to get much sleep that night. Logan found that he didn't mind all that much; not when his thoughts were being occupied by Roman.

I really loved this prompt

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I really loved this prompt. It was adorable, hope you liked it as well ^•^

Honestly idk how I'm gonna survive the holidays I already feel so fucking sad rn

Someone please save me
I just wanna spend the holidays somewhere nice and quiet where it's snowing and I can read a book and curl up in a really warm blanket I don't want to go to Florida and god I'm gonna have an anxiety attack

I'm trying so hard to stay positive I really am, but I still feel so awful every Christmas and I hate it why can't I just be happy

Ahhhh anyways, we're leaving for Florida in just a couple hours, so... not gonna be on as much while we're there. I'll be busy going insane and trying to force myself to be happy

I might try and update my other request before I go-if not, I will get it done either on the way there or while I'm in Florida. I won't just leave it, I promise. Anyways, I'm gonna go cry and distract myself for a bit. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this. *you're watching Thomas Sanders when all of a sudden a unicorn bursts through your wall with ring pops*

 *you're watching Thomas Sanders when all of a sudden a unicorn bursts through your wall with ring pops*

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Thanks for the suggestion. Take care of yourselves over the holidays. Take as many breaks as you need from socializing with people if you can't handle it, enjoy lots of food(you deserve it I promise), and just have as much fun as you can. I love you guys. Bye-Bob

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