A Mess (No Ship)

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Requested. Warnings for mentions of breakups, I suppose

It had been a week. A long, horrible week filled with sadness and heartbreak, wanting nothing more than to go back to the way things used to be. They were all taking it horribly, all of Thomas' sides.

Virgil had been working overtime, and when he could actually be found not working he was mumbling to himself about how he "should have know," despite the fact that none of them could have done anything. Logan wasn't thinking straight, he couldn't get anything done. He felt frustrated, emotions that he didn't understand eating at him and preventing him from being efficient. Patton was taking it worse than both of them, being at the core of most of Thomas' feelings. One moment he seemed to be doing alright again, and the next he was crying his eyes out, shouting about how much he wished that "he would just come back!" Aside from his emotions being even more unmanageable than usual, he seemed to be getting sick as well

None of them were taking it nearly as bad as Roman was. Being Thomas' romantic side it was to be expected, but he looked worse than they ever could have imagined. Roman, the side who was always making sure his appearance was perfect in every way, looked as though he hadn't brushed his hair or even showered in day. He was a mess, but his appearance wasn't the worst of it.

When the others did see him leave his bedroom he was always in a daze. He didn't appear as though he were taking in anything, lost in his own mind. Once, when he was walking back to his bedroom after barely touching his food, Virgil saw him walk right into the wall before snapping out of his daze. It was only a moment before he fell right back into it, though, and he continued to drag himself back to his room.

The most worrying thing, however, was when he decided to stop leaving him room entirely. No one had heard from him for the last few days, and every single one of them was worried. What could he be doing in his room that took up so much time he couldn't even leave to eat? Eventually, the other sides had had enough of waiting and decided to go and check on their friend. (That's FINE Wattpad, just go ahead and delete a bunch of shit I just wrote, I appreciate it. I'm gonna cry-)

"Roman?" Patton called softly through the door as he knocked, frown on his face. "Are you okay? Can we come in?"

They waited. No answer.

"Princey, open up." Virgil banged on the door. They waited again, and there was still so response.

"Perhaps we should just go inside anyways?" Logan suggested, frowning and adjusting his glasses. A nervous habit. Virgil and Patton nodded in agreement.

"Roman, sweetie, we're coming in. We want to be sure you're alright." Patton spoke as he turned the handle on the door, slowly pushing it open. The three of them stepped inside, not at all expecting what they found.

One thing they noticed was that the usually pristine room was just as much of a mess as Roman looked. Papers littered the floor and his desk, mostly of them crumpled up into balls by his trash can. Little things were scattered everywhere, things he most likely used to distract himself from his thoughts; which the others understood well. They had tried to do the same, to no avail.

The other thing they saw was Roman, curled into a ball and tucked away in the corner, laying on the cold floor. Tear tracks stained his cheek, and even more fresh tears could be seen ready to fall from his eyes. Above him, a fake Thomas, created by the room and Roman's emotions, screamed insults, telling Roman things that weren't true in the slightest. He told Roman that he had failed him, that it was his fault.

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