(Morality x Anxiety)

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It was late when Patton and Virgil finally decided they should get some rest for the night. The two of them had been spending time together watching movies, and neither of them really wanted to move. They were comfortable as they were, Patton leaning against the arm of the couch, Virgil resting on his chest(he wouldn't have sat that way himself, but Patton just kind of dragged him along to lay with him and he certainly didn't mind).

Virgil was the least happy to leave Patton behind, going up to his own bedroom. Where he would be alone, anxious(as he always was when he was trying to get any sleep in his room), and he would feel a lot colder without Patton by his side. He had an idea of one thing that may help him to get some rest. The only problem was that he didn't know how to ask for it.

"Patton...?" Virgil started, standing at his bedroom door. Patton stopped in his way to his own room, turning to face him and smiling tiredly.

"Yeah, Virge?" He questioned, waiting for Virgil to speak.

"I... Th-there's something that I... wanted to ask you about," he mumbled. Patton encouraged him to go on, and despite his nervousness he complied. "It might sound kinda weird? You-you don't have to answer if you don't wanna."

"You can ask me anything Virgil, I promise." Patton assured him, stepping closer to him and putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I won't think you're weird!"

The corners of Virgil's lips tilted upwards for just a second, and he nodded. Slowly taking a deep breath, he finally managed to begin a new sentence. "Well, I was just thinking. You know that I... well, nights aren't exactly the best for me, with anxiety and all, so I just thought that-well maybe I could-"

He trailed off, looking away from Patton completely. He briefly wondered if he should just give up and run into his room-it was right there after all, and the door was open. He wouldn't have to ask his dumb question that Patton would probably laugh at him for anyways.

Virgil shook his head at himself, clearing away his thoughts. Patton wouldn't do that. He was way too kind and understanding. He wouldn't mind, he told himself, but it wasn't very convincing.

"It's okay Virgil, just breathe." Patton reminded, and Virgil found himself quickly wrapped up in Patton's arms. He didn't know when that happened, or when exactly he stopped breathing, but he was glad Patton was there. He finally breathed in again, calming down and gathering the courage to ask his stupid simple question.

"Thanks," he mumbled quietly, face flushing when he felt a kiss being pressed to the top of his head along with a whispered 'no worries'. He leaned into Patton's embrace, hands winding around his back and fingers clutching at the thin cardigan he wore.

"Do you still want to ask me something?" Patton asked, and Virgil nodded against him. He didn't feel as nervous anymore. He knew his thoughts were true. This was Patton; he wouldn't mind helping him at all.

"I was just wondering... if maybe I could borrow..." He felt as though his throat had closed up, and sighed in frustration at himself. He tugged gently on the cardigan on Patton's back, hoping that somehow he might understand.

"You want to borrow that?" He asked, and Patton felt Virgil nod again. "Well, of course you can. I don't know why you want it, but you didn't have to be so worried over asking me. I told you, you can ask me anything."

"I know..." Virgil mumbled. "Still felt weird to ask. I just wanted it because... I thought it might help. I get so anxious and... y-you're really comforting for me, so I thought that maybe-it might-I dunno..."

"You don't have to explain," Patton assured him, leaving another kiss to his forehead. "I understand. I think I might have a better idea though, if you're alright with it?"

Virgil said nothing, lifting his head from where he had rested it on Patton's shoulder and looked up at him. He waited for a respond, but Patton just took his hand and led him into his room. He sat down on the bed along with Patton, still feeling confused. That is, until the moral side slid off his glasses, laying back on Virgil's bed and waiting for him to do the same.

Virgil did follow him after a moment, laying down facing him and immediately being wrapped up in his arms again. His face heat up even more than before, and he leaned forward to hide his face in Patton's chest now. Patton just smiled, holding him closer and mumbling. "Is this alright?"

"Yeah. Yeah, this is perfect." He muttered back, closing his eyes and letting his arms wind back around Patton. He could hardly believe what was happening, but he was happy. "I, um... thank you, Pat."

"Like I said, it's no problem Virge." He whispered, smiling brightly. "I'm here for you, no matter what. I love you."

Virgil genuinely felt like he could cry. Right there, in Patton's arms, he felt so loved, it was overwhelming. He sighed, relaxing and feeling so calm and cared for that he could have fallen asleep right that second. And he did, but not before he mumbled out. "I love you too."

I feel like I've been writing for this ship too much so sorry. I just got finished crying and making other dumb decisions and wanted to write something happy before I had to worry some more over my schoolwork I still need to finish. But hey... I got something done tonight so I guess I'm not a total failure. Probably.

Now... I guess if I wanna get any sleep at all I should probably get back to my schoolwork, so... Thanks for reading. Hope you liked this. *I'm out of suggestions so you can just grab a ring pop right there next to me, looking like a zombie and bawling my eyes out* (please send more suggestions I am uncreative) Take care of yourselves guys. I know, I'm a huge hypocrite but you matter a lot and I love you and you deserve the best. 💜💜💜💜💜 Bye-Bob

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