New Original Story

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Uhhh, hi?

So first of all, sorry for the random authors note. But, quite a few of you guys said you'd be interested in reading an original story I'd planned on writing for Pen Your Pride on Wattpad, and as I have finally completed it I thought I'd let you guys know!

The story is about a group of teenagers with superpowers-so far only one little story has been uploaded, and that one is about a character named Beckett who is a transgender guy who can turn invisible and move things with his mind. His story in the book is about him meeting Steven, another kid with superpowers who is the first person to truly accept him.

It would honestly mean a lot to me if some of you went and read it. You don't have to of course, but I've been really nervous to finally upload something original so it really would be great if people read and enjoyed it haha. Anyways, sorry again for the note and I promise I'll try and get some fanfiction done soon too!!! Hopefully I'll get another request done next, once again I'm very sorry those have been taking me so long to complete.

Thanks for listening to me ramble for a bit, and if you do go read my other book then thanks for that as well. ^•^ Remember to take good care of yourselves. *my character Beckett levitates a ring pop over to you* Love you guys. Bye!-Bob

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