Affection (Anxiety x Logic)

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Don't you just love it when you have an amazing idea and then all of a sudden your brain decides to just go "nope. Now you've forgotten it. You can never write this idea." Ajajajjsn now you get this instead of whatever it was I thought of before

The first time that it happened, Virgil was definitely surprised.

Logan didn't come across as an affectionate person. Sure, he cared, but he didn't show it. He didn't randomly shower you in compliments like Patton, or come up with elaborate romantic gestures like Roman. It just wasn't what he did, and Virgil didn't mind that he didn't do those things. He knew he loved him, and that was what he cared about.

Because Virgil didn't think of Logan as super affectionate, it was very confusing when Logan suddenly approached him one day. He was immediately wrapped in a tight hug, Logan holding Virgil close and kissing his cheek. Virgil, although obviously confused, returned his boyfriends hug.

He once again wasn't expecting it as Logan pulled him into a long kiss, one that left him breathless as he pulled away. This definitely wasn't Logan's usual, but Virgil decided he could get used to it.

"What's all this about?" Virgil mumbled between more, shorter kisses. Logan shrugged, kissing him again.

"I simply felt the need to be with you. Are you uncomfortable?" He asked, stopping suddenly. He frowned, looking down at Virgil. Said anxious trait quickly shook his head, kissing him again.

"Not at all. It's just unexpected from you." Virgil shrugged. "Please, keep kissing me as much as you want to."

Logan flashed him a small smile, pulling him into another long lasting kiss. "I'm afraid if I did that, then we would never be apart," he murmured against his lips.

Virgil hummed, kissing back. "Doesn't sound bad to me."

Logan smiled again, pulling away from the kiss after a long while. "Would you like to sit with me and watch a movie?" He offered, and Virgil nodded. The two spent the rest of the day cuddling together and sharing kisses, simply enjoying being together.

The day after, Logan returned to his normal ways of showing affection. It wasn't as obvious, and Virgil would be lying if he said he didn't miss it, but at the same time he was glad. If Logan always acted that way, then it would likely become boring. While he always loved Logan and how he was, days where Logan was especially affectionate were always special and sweet. They reminded Virgil that he was truly special to Logan, and that he loved him.

Virgil was very happy for those days.

Ahksksks I really wanna remember that idea I knew I really liked it and I know it had something to do with Logan but I can't remember what it was!!! It's very frustrating.

Anyways, I am exhausted and I don't really want to fall asleep at 10:30 in the morning again, so I'll be off to get some sleep now. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this. *you go to water your plants but as you turn on the hose you see all that's coming out are ring pops*

 *you go to water your plants but as you turn on the hose you see all that's coming out are ring pops*

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Take care of yourselves!!! You're important guys. Love you. Bye!-Bob

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