Purring Part 2 (Anxiety x Logic)

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Requested. Also, adding angst to a oneshot that was fluffy? Yup, sounds like a good idea. Still not accepting new requests, sorry.

Logan wasn't paying attention, lost in his thoughts as he sat on the couch. Patton and Roman were there as well, but he didn't pay them any attention. He didn't hear as someone snuck up behind him, didn't realize anyone was there until suddenly there were fingers running through his hair.

He jumped at first, then sighed irritably as he realized who it was, not bothering to try and fight him as he leaned into the touch, purring. Patton and Roman, who had seen everything that had just happened, shared a confused glance. They stayed silent as Virgil stopped what he had been doing, laughing and jumping over the couch to sit next to his boyfriend.

"Was it necessary to do that here? Now they know my embarrassing secret as well." Logan huffed, and Virgil laughed again.

"It's adorable, and yes it was necessary."

"You purr?" Roman laughed, watching Logan's cheeks flush.

"Just like a kitty!" Patton excitedly shouted, not understanding that Roman was making fun of the other. Logan seemed annoyed, but didn't retaliate. He hoped they would all simply forget this ever happened.

The next day came and it was clear that they had not forgotten. Any time Logan passed by someone in the hall they would stop to tease him, especially Roman. He was the most annoying of all of them. They weren't intended to be hurtful in any way, it was simply playful teasing. Yet, anytime someone other than Virgil tried to touch his head he grew more and more frustrated.

One day, when Roman passed by and continued to tease him, Logan snapped. The moment he tried to touch the top of his head Logan grabbed hold of his arm, stopping him.

"That's enough. I can not take this teasing any more, there was a reason I never told any of you about this. You are not allowed to touch me, got it?" Logan glared at Roman, who stared back with wide eyes. He quickly nodded his head, looking to the floor and mumbling an apology.

Logan, after realizing what he had done, sighed and made his way back to his room. He wasn't entirely sure what he was feeling, but he definitely didn't like it, and he didn't want to deal with anyone else at that moment. Locking his door, Logan sat at his desk and tried to ignore the world.


A while later, Logan heard a knock sound at his door. He hadn't come out in hours, and he was sure that by now everyone else knew what had happened. He sighed, hoping that it wasn't Roman outside the door, and called out. "Who is it?"

"It's Virgil... Can I come in?" Logan sighed again. What would he think of Logan now? Would he be mad at him for being angry over something so silly?

Before he could think about it too much Logan got up and unlocked the door, sitting back down at his desk and allowed Virgil to enter. The anxious side stepped into the room and over to Logan, frowning as he caught sight of the tear stains on the logical traits cheeks. He didn't cry often, but it was obvious he was hurt and confused, and it made sense that he had been. The sight still broke Virgil's heart, and he leaned down to pull his boyfriend into a tight hug.

Logan certainly hadn't been expecting that. He wasn't sure what he had expected, maybe to be shouted at or something similar. He had been in the wrong when he snapped at Roman. He could have simply talked to him about it, but his emotions had gotten the best of him.

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