(Morality x Anxiety)

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This is romantic moxiety. It's 4AM and I have no idea why I'm up already but I am and wanted to write something cute so basically this is just a bunch of fluff

Patton sighed for the umpteenth time, staring up at the blank white ceiling. It was three in the morning, and for some reason he has woken up and was unable to fall asleep again. Kicking his blankets to the foot of his bed, Patton swung his legs over the side of the bed and stepped onto the cold floor of his bedroom.

He silently made his way out of his bedroom, shutting the door quietly behind him and going to his boyfriend's room. The lights under the door were off, but Patton knew by now that didn't necessarily mean he was asleep. As quietly as he could he opened the door, peaking his head inside. The room was dark, but Patton could see a faint glow from Virgil's computer that lit up his face. Patton sighed, relieved to see him awake as well.

"Virge, sweetheart?" He asked softly, making Virgil look up at him. "Can I come in?"

"Of course you can, Pat." Virgil sat up, setting his laptop to the side and patting the space next to him on the bed. Patton made his way over wordlessly, sitting next to Virgil and opening his arms for a hug. Virgil immediately shuffled closer to wrap his arms around Patton, head resting on top of Patton's as he leaned into his chest. "Everything okay? Did you have a nightmare?"

Patton shook his head, pulling Virgil closer and closing his eyes. "No. Just can't get back to sleep."

Virgil nodded in understanding, kissing the top of his head. He struggled for a moment to pull the blankets on his bed out from under them, but eventually he got them. Pulling Patton down with him, Virgil laid them both down on the bed, covering them up and wrapping his arm back around Patton. Both of them were facing each other, so Virgil offered him a small smile that Patton returned.

Virgil looked hesitant for a moment, slowly leaning in to kiss Patton. He kissed his lips, then moved to his cheeks, forehead, nose, chin, anywhere on his face he could. Patton was laughing, mumbling quiet complaints that it tickled, but grinning widely to show he really didn't mind. Virgil left one more kiss to his lips before pausing, looking up at Patton with a grin. "I love you."

"I love you too, Virge." Patton smiled, lifting his hand to rest it gently on his cheek. He brushed his thumb lightly over his cheekbone, an adoring look in his eyes that made Virgil's cheeks light up. Patton's smile grew at this, very slowly leaning forward. His nose brushed Virgil's, and he giggled quietly. "You're adorable, Virgil."

Virgil's cheeks turned darker, but before he could say anything Patton's lips were on his. He sighed, leaning into the kiss and letting anything he was worried about just slip away. The kiss was gentle, sweet, and loving, and Virgil felt as though every time they kissed like this he was falling deeper and deeper in love with Patton. He was just so perfect, and kind, and Virgil couldn't believe he was even real sometimes.

When they pulled away from the kiss finally, Patton let out a yawn. His eyes closed, and he rested his head once again on Virgil's chest, his head tucked underneath his chin. Virgil smiled, brushing his hand through Patton's hair so he could kiss his forehead, one hand going around his waist and the other on his back, tracing shapes silently. Patton fell asleep quickly, and Virgil glanced over at the clock and sighed.

Closing his eyes, Virgil continued to trace shapes on Patton's back, getting slower and slower before finally coming to a stop when he was too tired to move at all. Still smiling, thoughts still on his boyfriend and how amazing he was, Virgil drifted off into a peaceful sleep, holding the one he loved in his arms.

Ahhhhh was this cute enough I hope so

I really wanna go back to sleep, it's way too early to be up. But I'm also hungry so I should probably consider going and making myself something. Gahhhhh I don't wanna get out of bed

Lol I feel like I should thank everyone from the last chapter who offered to take a nap with me. Not a single one of them was a boy, which I found funny haha.

Anyways.... I'm either gonna go get food or just fall asleep again in just a minute(if I can), so I'm gonna get off of here. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this. *you get your sexuality flag colored ring pops thrown at you from a llama riding a unicycle with a pride flag*

 *you get your sexuality flag colored ring pops thrown at you from a llama riding a unicycle with a pride flag*

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That is an amazing suggestion haha. Take care of yourselves. I love you guys. Bye!-Bob

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