Flu (No Ship)

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Requested. Warning for describing sickness? Idk it's not too bad but just in case. I'm so sorry for not having this done sooner, I know I'm on a break but I still wanted to get this out and then I got really busy. I hope you enjoy it!!

The sound of quiet beeping made Patton jump, realizing how close he had been to falling asleep standing up. He took the thermometer from his mouth, looking down at the numbers that showed his temperature. Yeah, he was definitely sick.

Sighing, Patton cleaned the thermometer and put it back up, pausing afterwards to lean against the counter. He closed his eyes, taking a moment to think. It wasn't that bad, right? Sure, he was exhausted, his muscles ached, and his head was killing him, but he had other things to worry about. The others might worry, but Patton was a pretty good actor. Maybe no one would notice?

Patton nodded to himself, pushing off the counter sluggishly so he could start on breakfast for everyone. He would be alright, he told himself. His family came first. He could rest later.

Throughout most of the day, Patton was able to hide his sickness very well. He made sure to act as normal as possible, although there were a few times he had to blame his weird actions on simply being tired. At one point with all of the others around Patton had completely zoned out, almost as thought he had fallen asleep standing. Roman had been the one to ask if he was okay, and when he had told them he was just tired Logan he asked why he didn't go and rest.

"Well, I've got so much to get done! I'll rest later," he told them dismissively, turning back to whatever it was he was doing before he zoned out in the first place. The other three shared a look behind him, but the subject was dropped a moment later when one of the sides asked a question about something else. Patton was glad for the distraction, and tried to be sure he didn't zone out like that again.


Patton took a deep breath, trying to focus on putting one foot in front of the other. Every step he took made his stomach twist, his skin felt like ice and yet somehow he was sweating. He wanted nothing more than to lay down and sleep for the next week, but he had to carry on. Right? So what if he was sick; he had other things to take care of, and he came second to the others. Always.

Though, the pain in his head wasn't going away, and he felt like if he tried to take another step he might just collapse from exhaustion. He took a glance to the couch, considering for a moment before slowly making his way over to it. After collapsing in the seat Patton did his best to take deep breaths, closing his eyes. He didn't hear anyone walk into the room, jumping when someone spoke to him.

"Are you alright, Pat?" Virgil asked him, looking concerned. Patton mustered the best smile he could, nodding his head.

"I'm good! Just sitting down for a minute, feeling a little tired. Did you need something?" He asked, and Virgil quietly shook his head.

"I'm okay. I'll be right back, alright? Stay here." Virgil instructed, standing up and watching Patton for a second before hurrying down the hall. Patton frowned, wondering what exactly Virgil was doing. Only a few minutes later he returned, Logan and Roman by his side as well.

"Hey..! What's... what's going on, guys?" Patton asked, trying not to grip his head when it began to hurt worse than before. Unfortunately he hadn't been able to hide his wince, and the other three shared a glance.

"Patton, what is wrong?" Logan questioned, stepping closer to him. Patton frowned, shaking his head.

"Nothings wrong!" He insisted, knowing how unconvincing he sounded. As expected, none of the others believed him.

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