Princess (Logic x Prince)

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Ahhhh this is mostly just meant to be silly lmao sorry

Roman was beginning to get on Logan's last nerves. Did he have to be so annoyingly particular about everything? The two of them were trying to work together on the next video, and Roman was, as usual, a pain to work with. Everything had to be perfect, and exactly how he wanted it. Of course, Logan knew it was impossible to make something perfect, and most of Roman's ideas were ridiculous.

When Roman made yet another change Logan just gave in, sighing and sitting back in his chair. He pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration, shaking his head. "Whatever, just do it all your way then, princess."

Roman made a strangled noise that sounded somewhat like a gasp, (*offended princey noises*) cheeks turning the slightest bit pink. He turned to Logan, hand over his heart. "Princess?"

Logan raised a brow, leaning forward in his seat again. His face was close to Roman's and he smirked. "You heard me."

"I am not a princess! I'm offended that you would even say that to me!" Roman huffed, crossing his arms and glaring at Logan. Logan rolled his eyes, leaning back slightly with another sigh.

"You are right. Perhaps drama queen would fit better? Only, I don't think you are qualified to be a queen, so princess it is." Logan shrugged, and Roman gaped at him.

"I-you-I am Prince Roman, not a princess!" He insisted, cheeks turning an even darker red each time he was addressed that way. Logan smirked again, shaking his head and beginning to pack away their work.

"Whatever you say, princess. I can tell you like the nickname." Logan told him, chuckling when he made another shocked and annoyed sound.  He stood up, Roman following him and having all of their papers shoved into his arms. "Now, there's only so much I can stand of you and your ridiculous ideas and need for perfection, so take this and we will continue another time."

Roman took the papers from him, grumbling something under his breath as he turned to walk out of the door. Logan followed him to it, stopping him just before he walked out. "Roman," he called, waiting for him to turn around. When he did, Logan pressed a kiss to his cheek, smirking and speaking before he closed the door on him. "See you later, princess."

Yeaahhhh this wasn't the best but oh well haha, I found it funny

Hope you all liked it. I feel sick, so I'm probably gonna sleep soon. Thank you all for reading. *a shooting star streaks across the sky, dropping ring pops to earth in its wake*

 *a shooting star streaks across the sky, dropping ring pops to earth in its wake*

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Thanks for the suggestion! Take care of yourselves. Love you guys. Bye!-Bob

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