Quiet Day At Home (Morality x Anxiety)

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I'm not sure what's wrong with me, but I'm genuinely having a very hard time making words work, so sorry if anything I do for a while isn't my best.

Sunlight shone brightly down on Patton and Virgil through the small window beside of the bed. Virgil seemed to be unaffected by the blinding light, his face hidden away in Patton's chest as the two held each other close. Patton, however, was facing the window, and the light hit him directly, stirring him from his sleep. A glance at the clock on his bedside table told him it was around eleven, and probably time for them to get up if they wanted to actually accomplish anything they had planned for that day.

Patton sighed, looking down at the peacefully sleeping man in his arms and not wanting to wake him. Unfortunately, the two had errands to run and they both needed to get out of bed. It took a few minutes to convince himself, but finally Patton shook Virgil gently, speaking softly to wake him. "Virge... hey, it's time to get up."

A groan was his only answer, the sound muffled as Virgil pressed closer to Patton. He shook his head defiantly, and Patton had to suppress a laugh. "C'mon, Virge! We have to get it done." He urged, pulling him away from his chest and brushing a strand of hair away in order to see his face. He kissed his nose quickly, grinning at him as he finally opened his eyes to look at Patton.

"I don't wanna," he mumbled, frowning. Patton only smiled wider at this, kissing his cheek and laughing.

"Oh, come on... it won't be too bad! I don't know about you, but I don't think anything can be boring if I'm with you." Patton finally earned a small smile and pale pink blush from Virgil at this, Virgil quickly covering his face with his hands.

"Okay, fine." He huffed, leaning in to kiss Patton before reluctantly climbing out of bed. He hated how adorably cheesy Patton was sometimes. "I guess it might be okay..."

Patton shook his head at Virgil with a chuckle, getting out of bed behind him. Both of them moved to start getting dressed for the day when they noticed the quiet pitter-patter of rain. It seemed that during their tiny quarrel over getting out of bed the sun had slowly been blocked by grey clouds without them noticing. Patton looked to Virgil just as he looked back at him, already expecting it when he started to speak. "Do we really have to go out if it's raining?"

"It's just a little rain, Virge. We should really get it done already!" Patton argued, pouting at Virgil.

"Well, why can't we just do it tomorrow?" Virgil asked, and Patton shook his head with a small smile. He had to admit, staying in all day with Virgil did sound like a good idea.

"Okay, okay, fine! We'll stay home today." Patton agreed, smile growing at the grin that formed on Virgil's face. He could already tell it was worth it just to see him happy. "And what exactly do you want us to do while we're home all day?"

"I dunno. I didn't think that far ahead." Virgil shrugged. "I just wanted to be lazy and do nothing."

Patton hummed, seeming to think for a moment. "Well, why don't you take some blankets and set up a pillow fort in the living room while I make us some breakfast? We can stay in to watch movies and cuddle all day!"

"That sounds perfect, Pat." Virgil smiled, stepping closer and wrapping his arms around Patton's waist. He pulled him close to him, leaning down and kissing Patton. He smiled when he pulled back, Patton grinning back before they both moved to do their own things, Patton making his way downstairs while Virgil gathered up the blankets and pillows from their bed.

Before long the two of them were sat in front of the couch, pillows underneath them and blankets hanging above. (I'm tempted to make myself a pillow fort) The tv was playing Aladdin quietly, neither of them paying too much attention to it, most of their attention focused on each other. The two of them were leaning against each other, talking quietly about random things, joking and laughing.

Their day was filled with quiet moments, relaxing in their safe and warm pillow fort while the rain poured down outside.

This was meant to be a lot longer(and i know the end is awful), but I am tired and just, can't focus at all. I keep catching myself staring out the window for no reason instead of writing lmao. If you'd like a second part for more of what I had planned in this just let me know. If not, I might write it anyways bc I honestly want to I just can't at the moment and wanna get this done so I can upload something today. Cause I just... can't do it. I'm sorry. I've been awful at updating with anything good, I really do hope I start to feel better soon so I can get better stuff done.. I mean, I felt okay yesterday but, idk. Honestly this sad mood has lasted a lot longer than normal, I really don't know when I'll be back to normal. So, again, I'm really sorry.

I feel like I'm writing too much for this ship lately, so I apologize. I'll try and write other things more too.

Also, about my fish-don't worry I really do research a bunch before I'd even consider actually getting any kind of pet.

Anyways.... I'm probably gonna go stare at a wall and hope I fall asleep at some point, thank you for reading. And thanks to all of you who've been really sweet while I've been feeling this way. I hope you liked this, once again I'm sorry for being so... sad and slow at updating lately. I probably don't need to apologize so much, but I'm going to anyways cause I feel bad. *you're enjoying a nice walk on a cloudy day when it suddenly rains ring pops*

 *you're enjoying a nice walk on a cloudy day when it suddenly rains ring pops*

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Thank you for the suggestion. Take care of yourselves. Love you guys. Bye-Bob

Also.. To anyone who sends me messages, I'm really really sorry if you don't get a response, I really appreciate your messages, and to anyone just messaging me trying to talk-if I don't answer I swear it isn't bc I don't wanna talk to you I'm just sad and it's hard I'm sorry

Basically I'm just a huge mess right now pls don't expect too much from me and forgive me

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