Horror Movie Night (Logic x Anxiety x Morality x Prince)

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Requested. I'm gonna try and get both of my requests(this one and one more) finished today just so that I can have more time to work on all my other projects, so please no more requests lol. I'm going to be very busy working on stuff for Halloween, and I'm also working on a new project that I don't have very much time to finish so I will be working on that a lot this next month.

ALSO AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NEW SANDERS SIDES VID WAS SO GOOD OMG I LOVED IT SO MUCH-and that's all I'll say about it so no one gets any spoilers lmao

"We should watch a horror movie!" Roman suggested. The four boyfriends had been trying to find a movie to put on for a few minutes, and when none of the Disney movies Roman suggested were chosen he had started running out of ideas.

"I don't know if that's a great idea, Roman." Patton frowned, looking over to Virgil, who seemed to agree.

"Oh, come on! We have to decide on something. You've turned down all of my other ideas." Roman pouted. "And it's almost Halloween. I thought it'd be a good choice."

"It is a good idea roman, it's just that..." Patton trailed off nervously. He sighed, once again looking over at Virgil as well as Logan. "I guess it's okay with me as long as everyone else wants to. As long as it's not too scary! We all still need to get sleep tonight."

"I am sure it will not be that scary." Logan said confidently. "After all it is only a fictional story. None of it is real, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

"It's easy to forget about that while watching scary movies though." Virgil joined in discussing. "But I have to admit, even though I still get a little anxious watching them, I do like some horror movies. So I guess it's fine with me."

Roman grinned in triumph, immediately going to set up the movie he wanted to see. The other three sat down on the couch together with their movie snacks. Logan was on one end, sitting beside of Virgil, and Patton was on his other side. When Roman returned to the couch with them, the movie beginning to play in the background, he sat down beside of Patton, leaving him and Virgil in the center. They each leaned against each other as their attention was drawn to the movie, Patton and Virgil still feeling nervous but also excited, knowing they would be safe with Roman and Logan beside of them.

As the movie went on and inevitably got scarier, it was surprisingly not Patton and Virgil who were the most scared by the movie. Leaning against Logan, Virgil was the first to notice that Logan jumped at nearly every little scare. Frowning, Virgil looked up at him and nudged his shoulder.

"You okay?" He asked softly, not wanting to distract the other two from the movie. Logan turned back to him, frown on his lips that he quickly changed in an attempt to appear indifferent to the events playing out on screen.

"Ye-" Logan cut himself off as his voice wavered. He drew in a deep breath, trying to forget about the movie for a moment so he could answer without worrying Virgil. "Yes. I am fine."

Virgil didn't really believe him at all, but went back to the movie anyways. He knew Logan would refuse to admit it if he were somewhat bothered by the movie, and it was supposed to be scary anyways. He was sure Logan would be alright. However, as the movie continued it got more and more obvious that Logan wasn't acting right. Even Patton and Roman had noticed it at that point.

Eventually it got to yet another creepy part of the movie. It was obvious something bad was about to happen, and everyone was on edge as they watched. Even though they were all freaked out they couldn't tear their eyes away from the screen, watching fearfully as they waited for the scare to come. When it did everyone jumped-and then they jumped again from something other than the movie.

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