Jeweler (Prince x Anxiety)

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Last one on this prompt list for now lol. This ones short, I'd apologize but I've literally written 3 other longer oneshots tonight and by now I just wanna get them all written out so... yeah sorry anyways

"You come in here an awful lot, don't you?" Roman commented as he helped a customer. This particular costumer was a very attractive man around the same age as him who was often coming in to buy jewelry. Roman, however much he wanted to, never hit on him, knowing that he must have a significant other he was coming in to buy things for. "Whoever your dating must be very lucky."

"I-what?" The man stuttered out, frowning as his cheeks turned red. He seemed confused at first, and then seemed to realize what he was talking about. "Oh. Uh... I-it's not really for... I'm not dating anyone. It's for my dad."

Roman paused, taking this new information in. "Oh," He said simply, lips curling into a smirk. "In that case... what's your name?"

"I'm, uh.. Virgil. Or Virge, whichever is fine..." His cheeks turned a darker red and he looked down, unable to look up at the annoyingly handsome jewelers face. Virgil did come to get things for his dad, yes, but he had to admit a part of the reason he kept going here specifically was to see him. "And... yours?"

"Roman," Roman told him, and Virgil nodded, unsure of what to say now and wondering why the fact that he was buying things for his dad prompted Roman to learn his name. Roman helped him finish getting what he had gone there for, but stopped him before he could leave.

"I was wondering..." He began, smirk returning. "You said you do not currently have a significant other, yes? Are you at all interested in going on a date with me sometime?"

"I-I, uh-" Virgil's eyes were wide as he tried to think of a response, eventually drawing in a deep breath to calm himself before speaking again. "I... that would be nice."

"Perfect," Roman smiled at him, pulling out a slip of paper and jotting down his number quickly. He held it out for Virgil, and once he reached out to take it he gently took his hand and moved to place a kiss on the back of it. "I hope to see you again soon, Virge."

Yeah I changed the prompt to dad bc I mean

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Yeah I changed the prompt to dad bc I mean... Patton's his dad and he deserves the best lmao

Honestly whether I get two oneshots done or twenty I will probably never think I've done enough. I could probably actually write ten more oneshots, finish an entire book, start a new one and still be like "I could be doing more, I need to do more, I can't sleep because if I don't do more I'll let people down they'll hate me I have to do it now" and I fucking hate it I just want to be happy with everything that I have accomplished. Because, four oneshots is a lot??? Why doesn't my brain understand this JUST LET ME BE HAPPY WITH WHAT IVE DONE

Ahhhhhh anyways... I still doubt I'm gonna be able to sleep anytime soon (even tho it's 8AM now...) but I'll probably end up watching jacksepticeye instead of writing so. May or may not be another oneshot done, dunno yet.

Thanks for reading, I hope you've possibly liked everything I've put up tonight/this morning. *you go to pet a dog/cat but as soon as you touch it it turns into ring pops*

 *you go to pet a dog/cat but as soon as you touch it it turns into ring pops*

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The dogs okay tho right??? Haha thanks for the suggestion. Take care of yourselves. Love you guys. I'm kinda close to running out of ring pop suggestions, so some new ones would be appreciated. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜Bye!-Bob

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