Sign Language (Prince x Anxiety)

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Au, Roman and Virgil are roommates.

Roman smiled to himself as he exited his bedroom. He had finally taught himself enough sign language to hold a conversation, and he was very excited about this. The reason he had decided to take the time to learn sign language was because of his roommate, Virgil. He had been unable to talk to him ever since the two started living together, and he wanted to get to know him. He was hopeful that the two of them would get along, so that learning this would be worth it.

Stepping up to his roommates bedroom door, Roman quietly opened it and peered inside. Virgil looked up from his phone, raising an eyebrow at him in question. Stepping inside Roman suddenly felt slightly nervous. What if thought it was weird Roman had learned sign language to talk to him? What if he didn't even want to talk to Roman, and that's why he had never tried?

Drawing in a shaky breath, Roman shot him a tiny smile, starting to sign something. Virgil stared at him for a moment, confused, and Roman wondered if he had done something wrong.

"Uh... I don't know any sign language, sorry." Virgil spoke for the first time since meeting Roman, and Roman gaped at him.

"Wha-but, you-" Roman spluttered, not understanding. "You've never said a word to me! I thought you couldn't hear me or something!"

"I probably couldn't." Virgil shrugged, grabbing his earbuds next to him and showing them to Roman. "I usually have these in, and my hood of my hoodie up."

There was a moment of silence as Roman continued to stare at Virgil, stunned. Then Virgil grinned. "Am I really worth learning sign language for?"

"I mean... we do live together. I thought I should at least attempt to talk to you. God, I spent a while learning all of that. I don't even need it!" Roman complained, sighing as Virgil laughed at him.

"Sorry, I guess. For making you go through all that just to talk to me." He apologized, still laughing. Roman shook his head.

"Don't be. It was a very funny way to start talking. I'm sure I will remember this for a long time." Roman laughed with him. "But, uh... I really would like to talk and get to know you."

"Yeah, I'd be happy to learn more about the guy who learned sign language for someone who didn't even know sign language." Virgil grinned as Roman huffed. "Sorry for making it so difficult to talk to me. I'm not a very social person."

"I've noticed." Roman shook his head, grinning back at Virgil. "Well, would you like to go out for lunch with me?"

"Sure." Virgil shrugged, smiling at him. Roman returned his smile, and the two of them got ready to leave.

Roman was glad he had tried to talk to him, even if he had embarrassed himself at first. He couldn't wait to talk to Virgil more, and he hoped they would get along well.

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