Not As Important (No Ship)

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Angst warning lmao. Sorry (not really)

Everyone knew that Patton was the most caring side out of all of them. He did the best he could to look after everybody, no matter what.

He helped Virgil with his anxiety attacks. He helped out Roman when Thomas didn't do well at his auditions. He even helped out Logan when he couldn't solve a difficult problem, making sure he remembered to take care of himself when he was distracted with work. He did the best he could to help out everyone in his life, but there was one person who he often forgot about.

He didn't think this person was as important as everyone else. He often ignored his needs if someone else wasn't doing well, because, in Patton's mind, they were better and more helpful than him.

This person that Patton often forgot to care for was himself.

If he was having a bad day, and found out that one of the others was too he pushed his own feelings aside. They didn't matter. It was his job to help the others.

He didn't take any time for himself to feel better. He knew he didn't matter as much. He put on a smile and did the best he could to help others be happy.

One day, he wasn't feeling as happy as he seemed. As soon as he was finished with whatever he needed to do he planned to disappear to his room, to finally let himself cry and not ignore his feelings for once. Just as he was about to shut the door behind himself and hide away, someone else approached him.

"Hey, dad," Virgil started off, looking to the ground and shrinking to hide himself in his jacket. "Sorry if I'm bothering you. Just... you always say to come to you if you need anything."

"You're not bothering me at all, kiddo!" He lied, putting on his usual wide smile. He fought against the tears that he had in his eyes, trying his best to hide his own pain. "Of course, I'm right here for you with whatever it is you need."

He didn't want to be strong anymore. He didn't want to hide behind a smile. He didn't want to keep lying to everyone.

He ignored what he wanted. He kept his smile, and he kept lying. The only reason he held on was for the others. 

After all, he wasn't as important as them.

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Yay for angst

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Yay for angst. I really need more fluff ideas....

Okay, so, yes I am going to be accepting a couple of requests. Not a lot of them, because then I'll stress myself out and y'know what I already haven't being doing amazingly lately so. Just, please keep in mind my rules for requesting. No smut, no abuse, no depression/suicide/self-harm. If you leave this as a request it will not get done.

Please leave fluffy requests. I need more fluff, I'm so bad at writing angst lol.

Me: I'm gonna message this author today because they write extremely well and they should know that
Me literally two minutes later after clicking on their profile: wow okay I'm so anxious this is impossible maybe I'll do it tomorrow *and then repeat the next day*

I'm so mad at myself lmao. Anyways, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this. *you're a pirate and when you find the treasure the chest is full of ring pops*

 *you're a pirate and when you find the treasure the chest is full of ring pops*

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Take care of yourselves. Love you guys. Bye!-Bob

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