Flower Theft (Anxiety x Logic)

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Prompt. I think I should probably have a warning for talking about death

Virgil sighed as he trudged along the sidewalk, hands stuffed in his jacket pocket that he still wore despite it being spring. He stopped at a specific house, one with the most beautiful flowers in the garden. Virgil glanced around, and seeing no one nearby made his way into the yard to take some.

Just as he had pulled some of the best looking ones out of the ground the front door of the house was thrown open. Virgil jumped, looking at the man who had just walked out with wide eyes. If he had any time he would have hidden the flowers behind his back, but the man had already caught him.

"So it is you who has been stealing my flowers." He said, looking surprisingly calm for someone who had just caught a person stealing his belongings. Virgil spluttered for any kind of response, trying to explain why he was doing it. After a while he fell silent, slowly nodding his head and looking to the ground. The man hummed, looking him up and down. Virgil flushed, wondering what he was going to say. "Well, I think it is only fair that I get to come and make sure this girl you're meeting is pretty enough to warrant flower theft."

Virgil's eyes widened as the man locked the door to his house, trying to say something, anything. The man turned back, seemingly waiting for him to lead the way. Virgil stood still for a moment, but after a while he sighed, turning and walking in the direction he had been heading before. The man followed along behind, also staying silent.

"What is your name?" The man asked after they had been walking for a while. They were halfway to their destination by now. "Mine is Logan."

"Virgil. Friends call me Virge." He muttered, managing to get out his first words to this man finally. He glanced over at Logan, finally taking in what he looked like. He looked to be the same age as Virgil, and he was dressed far more professionally than he was. He had a black shirt and blue necktie, neat brown hair, and sharp eyes behind glasses that framed his face. He certainly wasn't bad looking at all, and Virgil wished they had met on better circumstances. He wondered what Logan would think when he found out where they were headed.

"And, this girl you're meeting..?" He questioned, glancing over at Virgil. Virgil quickly looked away, face burning as he realized he was caught staring.

"Uh... the thing is, I'm not... I'm not meeting a girl." He admitted, tapping his fingers on his folded arms nervously.

"Ah. A boy then? Or, is it someone who is neither?" He raised an eyebrow at Virgil, who looked at him as though he were surprised.

"Uh... well, y-you'll... see." He muttered, looking back ahead of him. Logan frowned, but didn't say anything else as the two of them walked along.

When they finally reached their destination, Virgil was ten times more nervous then before. His tapping got faster, and he was chewing on his bottom lip. He said nothing as they entered the cemetery, Logan following behind him, frowning as he suddenly realized why Virgil had stolen the flowers. He still said nothing as they approached a specific grave, Virgil setting down the flowers on it as Logan read the name 'Patton Sanders'.

"I am sorry, Virgil." Logan said quietly, looking back up at him as he once again chewed his bottom lip.

"It's alright." He muttered, glancing back down at the grave. "Been a while... it still hurts, but..."

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