(Really long) Tag (...sorry)

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Yeah sorry if tags annoy you but I didn't wanna wait until I started uploading again to do this so here, feel free to skip it.


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1. Name? Oliver

2. Height? 5'8

3. Weight? gonna skip this, sorry

4. Age? 16

5. Birthday? September 13th

6 & 7. BFFs? I've mentioned them lots

8. Crush? Don't have one. I barely have friends, where would I meet someone to have a crush on? (Unless like, platonic crushes, like someone I wanna be friends with counts bc then...... yes I have one but I'm not saying)

9. Ever fall in love? Not romantically yet. I love lots of people tho-friends and stuff

10. Favorite food? Chocolate strawberries

11. Last text? I asked my mom to get something from the store

12. Battery percentage? 72%

13. Eye color? Green

 Eye color? Green

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14. Addiction? Uhhhh caffeine?

15. Favorite song? Get Well by Icon For Hire

16. Favorite animal? I love them all okay dogs cats(even tho I'm allergic) birds-not ostriches or emus tho. Those are evil and terrifying.

17. Favorite color? I like purple and pink a lot

18. Shoe size? Idk

19. Sing in the shower? Who doesn't sing in the shower??

20. One wish? I wanna be happy more

21. Best time in your life? Before my aunt passed away and I was a normal child who wasn't so sad and anxious all the time??

23. Pets? 4 dogs and 5 fish(plus a bunch of snails but idk how many exactly)

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