Cute Costumer (Logic x Anxiety)

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Logan yawned as he opened up the door to the cafe near his home, walking inside and up to the counter. He glanced around, finding that there weren't many other people inside. He looked back just as someone came up to take his order. He noticed them freeze up at seeing him, not saying anything for a few moments.

Logan raised an eyebrow, clearing his throat and seeming to snap the man out of his thoughts. "S-sorry," he stuttered, glancing at the ground for a moment. "How can I help you today?"

Logan told him what he wanted, and the man, Virgil, it read on his tag, nodded. As he was trying to tell him his total he stumbled over his words, eventually shaking his head and taking a breath. After a moment he tried again, saying it correctly that time and apologizing.

"It's alright. Happens to everyone," Logan gave him a tiny smile as he handed him the money for his order. He wouldn't usually try to comfort someone he didn't know but this man was cute, and it was obvious he was embarrassed.

Virgil gave him a shy grin back, getting out his change and going to hand it to him. Somehow he managed to drop the change, which went all over the place. Logan heard him groan, dragging a hand down his face as he once again apologized. He gathered it all back up, making sure it was the right amount and finally handed it over to Logan.

"What's your name?" Virgil asked him, Logan telling him and stepping to the side while his order was made. He watched as Virgil's hands shook while he tried to write his name on the cup, and shook his head with a small smile. When he nearly dropped it after finally getting his name written down correctly Logan heard someone else laughing.

One of his coworkers, who's name tag read Roman, was the one the laugh had come from. "Virgil, stop being such a spazz just because the costumer is cute."

It wasn't just Virgil who's face was burning now. Logan hadn't realized that that was why he was acting embarrassed. He assumed he was just having an off day or something, but he hadn't thought that he was acting this way because of him.

Virgil shot Roman a glare, face still bright red. He hadn't even noticed that Logan had been standing close enough to hear everything. As he started working on making Logan what he ordered, Logan decided to wave Roman over.

"Excuse me, do you have a piece of paper and something to write with?" He asked, and Roman nodded. He gave Logan what he asked for, and Logan quickly jotted something down after thanking him.

When Virgil finally walked back over with his drink Logan smiled at him, taking the drink from him quickly. He was worried that if he held onto it much longer he would drop it. Before Virgil could step away from him Logan held out the piece of paper he had gotten from Roman. Virgil looked confused, but took the paper, Logan thanking him and leaving the café.

He paused just outside, looking in the window and finding Virgil smiling down at the note he had handed him. His cheeks had turned an even darker shade of red, and Logan smirked.

Overheard your conversation with your coworker. You're pretty cute too. Have my number. -Cute Costumer

As usual, I had no idea how to end this

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As usual, I had no idea how to end this. Thought it was cute tho. Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go throw up because my anxiety is so bad-

Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed this. *magical teddy bear hands you a dimension controller and you go to the ring pop dimension where everything consists of ring pops*

 *magical teddy bear hands you a dimension controller and you go to the ring pop dimension where everything consists of ring pops*

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Take care of yourselves. Bye-Bob

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