Relaxed (Prince x Anxiety)

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Prompt. Guys.... I'm begging you...... please don't leave the "they have the same face!" Comment bc literally everyone knows this but it's fanfiction okay please just go with it. And sorry it's short

He has the most beautiful eyes, Roman thought as he lay in bed with Virgil, his boyfriend. Their foreheads were pressed together, Roman's hand on his cheek as they both gazed into each other's eyes. Both were content to simply sit there forever, taking everything about the other in.

Roman's gaze flickered down to Virgil's cheeks, where he could see every last one of his boyfriend's adorable freckles. He had taken off his makeup before. Roman was determined to one day count every single one of them. He looked down again, looking at his lips. He was going to start leaning in when suddenly a loud noise startled Roman. He jumped, and fell right off the bed and into the floor.

It wasn't until he had gotten over the shock of suddenly landing on the floor that he realized what the startling sound had been. Virgil had simply sneezed, but because Roman was so relaxed and had felt so calm the abrupt sound had scared him.

Virgil could not stop laughing at this, only laughing more when he saw Roman pouting up at him from the floor.

"Oh come on!" Roman complained, standing up from the floor. "It came out of nowhere! Of course it scared me." He huffed, crossing his arms and looking away from Virgil, still pouting.

Virgil, still giggling, reached out to take his arm and pull him back to the bed. "Admit it, you dork. It was kinda funny."

Roman smiled slightly, shaking his head as he looked back at Virgil, both of them grinning at each other. "Fine. I suppose it was kind of funny."

"Exactly. Now lay back down with me." Virgil insisted, once again tugging on his arm. Roman laid down with him, pulling him back into his arms and smiling as he once again pressed their foreheads together.

"I love you, moron." Virgil smiled fondly at Roman, who smiled back, leaning in to kiss him and mumbling against his lips.

"I love you too."

Warning: I'm annoying as hell this is literally pointless you don't have to read it

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Warning: I'm annoying as hell this is literally pointless you don't have to read it

I'm... a huge fucking mess, I apologize

I need to make myself do better with updating. I'll try my best. I know that like, it's only two days but for me if I miss just one I feel like I've failed, so..... sorry.

I don't even know what's wrong with me honestly, I just all of a sudden (in the middle of writing a really long oneshot that was supposed to be uploaded instead of this one) started doubting myself a whole bunch. I dunno. It's stupid.

God, it's just so, so stupid. There's no reason for me to feel like this. There's no reason for me to suddenly start doubting my writing. And like, I've just built up the confidence to actually go "y'know what, yeah I am going to try and make a friend" and then before I even get the chance to actually go through with that suddenly my head is filled with thoughts of "why would they want to be friends with you?" "Surely they have plenty of other friends that are better than you so why should you even bother trying" and just, gahhhh I hate this I hate everything I'm going to sleep

I'll work on some more when I get up (but who knows when that will be, cause it's 8AM now and I honestly don't ever wanna have to wake up)

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this. *you walk in on Patton and Princey's flour war only to find them throwing ring pops at each other*

 *you walk in on Patton and Princey's flour war only to find them throwing ring pops at each other*

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Thanks for the suggestion. Take care of yourselves. Remember you're important and amazing, and I love you all. Bye-Bob

Have some funny posts to distract you from my depressing shit

Have some funny posts to distract you from my depressing shit

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