Principal's Office (Prince x Anxiety)

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Roman looked around the office of his high school, listening to the ticking of the clock hanging above him in the otherwise silent room. He sighed, leaning back in his chair and wondering when he would finally be able to see the vice principal. Just as his eyes closed a door opened, and he sat up quickly. Looking to where the sound came from he realized that it was simply another student.

The other boy looked his age, although Ronan didn't think he had ever seen him around. He certainly would have remembered him if he had though, as the boys dark clothes stood out a lot from what the other students wore. That, and Roman found him very attractive.

The other boy made eye contact with him causing Roman to glance away with burning cheeks. He didn't look back over at him as the kid sat down in the empty seat beside of his own chair, staring at the wall across from him as though it were the most interesting thing in the world.

For a while the room stayed silent, still only filled with the sound of the clock ticking, when suddenly a rough voice muttered beside of him. "What are you in for?"

Roman glanced over at the other, startled, before realizing that he had asked him a question. He tried to swallow his nerves, speaking in a shaky voice. "Oh. They just wanna know if its okay if I miss my classes tomorrow. For a presentation in the auditorium." He took a deep breath, and decided to continue the conversation. "And you? What are you in for?"

The other boy didn't talk for a while, and Roman wasn't sure whether he hadn't heard him or if he was just ignoring the question. He was just wondering whether he should ask again when there was a quiet mumble from the other kid.

"I... stabbed a kid with a screwdriver." He shrugged nonchalantly, and Roman stared at him for a moment, unblinking.

"O-oh. We, uh, definitely lead very different lives." He chuckled nervously, heart skipping a beat as the handsome student laughed with him quietly.

"That's for sure." He nodded.

Roman, although nervous and unsure of what to think of this boy who apparently had just stabbed a kid, still wanted to try talking to him. He himself wasn't sure why, but he couldn't help it as he suddenly blurted. "Did he deserve it?"

"What?" The other student turned to look at him, confusion obvious.

"The kid. The one you, uh, stabbed. Did he deserve it?" Roman repeated, and the boy slowly nodded.

"Yeah. I'm... not usually a very violent person, and if he had just been insulting me I probably wouldn't have done anything... But he said something about my best friend, Patton, and Patton doesn't deserve to be treated like that. He's like, the best person in the world. So, I stabbed him with a screwdriver, and here I am." The boy explained with a short laugh. "Really doubt he'll mess with either of us again, though. Not after that."

"It certainly wouldn't be the smartest decision." Roman agreed, smiling. He seemed a little less nervous talking to the boy, now that he knew that he wasn't actually someone who just liked to randomly stab other students. He actually seemed pretty decent, standing up for his friend like that. "What's your name? I don't think I've seen you around much."

"Virgil." He told him with a small smile. "And you?"

"Roman. It's nice to meet you, Virgil." Roman grinned, and just then a door opened and the vice principal was calling Roman back. Roman stood up, looking back to Virgil before he walked off. "See you later?"

"Yeah." Virgil nodded, waving as Roman walked off. "See you later."


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Lmao yeah I got a new phone and I'm back to writing now!!!

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Lmao yeah I got a new phone and I'm back to writing now!!!

This one shot was definitely a pretty weird/funny one. I liked it, lol

Okay I'm honestly annoyed that I have to say this lmao but..... guys, please don't request anything that has to do with rape, oh my god

That's disgusting and I don't ever want to write that, so please don't ask for it. Also, this one is sorta just something I personally dislike but... I am not going to write ships where Thomas is dating his sides, sorry. I think it's kinda weird. Ship what you wanna, I really don't care what others do but I'm still not going to write it myself, sorry.

I'm also not currently taking requests anyways, so please don't leave any. I have enough ideas to work on, thanks lol. I actually have like, 4 different drafts saved, one has been in my drafts since before I wrote the oneshot Don't Go, and that's been a little while now.

I was also actually gonna dye my hair tonight but then I was afraid of fucking something up so I decided to wait till my mom can help me. So, uh, soon! And it won't be blue. It'll be purple, cause the blue dye I have is meant for darker hair and my hair is currently not a dark color. But I mean, purple is just as awesome y'know.

Anyways, I'll try and get another one shot done tonight to make up for not being ok so long. Thank you guys for all the nice comments you've left me, you're super sweet and I swear I'm doing a lot better now!!



*gives you a never ending bag of ring pops and a giant hug for the people who like hugs* Take care of yourselves!!! I love you guys!!! Bye!-Bob

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