Christmas Gifts (Morality x Anxiety)

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Requested. Kinda an AU I guess? By the way, not doing these entirely in order! Also I'm going to try my best to get every single one of my requests done, but just know that there is a chance I won't be able to finish them so I am sorry if that does happen.

Virgil's teeth pulled against his lower lip, fidgeting with the soft fabric of his sweater sleeves to calm himself down more.

He had always hated Christmas shopping.

Between all of the loud people, the stress of being left by himself in a store to shop, and trying to find gifts that people might actually like, it definitely wasn't an enjoyable experience. He was lucky to have his boyfriend, Patton with him, to at least help eliminate the stress of being alone in crowded areas. He also helped out a lot with gifts, telling Virgil what ideas he had were good for things to get for their friends, and what ideas might be better Virgil was incredibly happy to have him stay with him for most of their Christmas shopping.

However, there was an issue that came with them going together. Unfortunately at some point they would have to separate, in order to find gifts to give to each other and avoid giving away the surprise.

"Does it really matter if it's a surprise?" Virgil asked Patton, hoping to convince him not to leave him alone in the store, despite it being a fairly small store where the two of them really wouldn't be far apart. "I mean... Christmas gifts are nice regardless of whether you know what you're getting or not."

"Yeah, but they're even nicer when you don't know! Then you get more excited waiting for it, and trying to guess what it is. If you already know then... well, what's the point?" Patton asked, frowning and pausing as he looked over at Virgil. His frown quickly turned into a reassuring grin, reaching over to take Virgil's hand and successfully stopping his fidgeting, squeezing it briefly. "I know you can do it, Virgil. Just a few minutes for us both to pick up gifts, then we meet right back here and go home to cuddle, watch Christmas movies, and take a nap! It'll be okay, I promise."

Virgil watched Patton for a moment silently, sighing and reluctantly nodding his head. He offered a small, weak smile back. "Okay, okay. Let's just get this over with."

Patton grinned, leaning up quickly to kiss Virgil quickly, before he made his way off into the store and left Virgil behind to search for gifts on his own. However, talking about Christmas presents and being surprising had given Virgil an idea. He didn't just plan to find a Christmas present for Patton-he also planned to follow behind him and see what gift he was going to get for him.

Virgil followed after him as far behind as he could while still being able to keep up. It was a small store, but the shelves were tall which meant if someone were behind one you couldn't possibly tell. It was hard to stay with him, but eventually Patton stopped in a certain aisle.

Virgil glanced around the aisle he had stopped in, feeling confused. What would he be getting from there? He wondered, jumping when Patton looked right towards him and trying to duck his head down before he could see him. He clearly wasn't quick enough.

"Virgil! It's supposed to be a surprise," Patton drawled out, a fond smile on his lips giving away that he wasn't truly upset at all. Virgil laughed a little and apologized, telling him he was going to find Patton's gift now.

Actually following through with what he said, Virgil went to find something in a different section of the store that his boyfriend might like. He was sure that Patton was the only person he had ever bought Christmas gifts for that he actually thought was easy to shop for. All their other friends were interested in weird things, so it was difficult to find them gifts(excluding Roman, Virgil noted, as he just liked anything Disney). Maybe it was just because Virgil had been close to Patton for so long, but he felt like he knew what gifts Patton would or wouldn't like.

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